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Teacher's Lounge ~ 3/5/12

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Good morning, Hive members!! It's Monday! I hope you all had fabulous weekends! :001_smile:


How is your Monday going so far?


How was your weekend?


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today?



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How is your Monday going so far?

So far, so good! ;) We've gotten quite a bit of schoolwork done already. I also managed to fold the last two loads of laundry that I washed yesterday evening. I even found a few spare minutes to scrub down my bathtub. It was getting pretty grimy!


How was your weekend?

We had a great weekend! We had some family time and got some errands done on Friday evening. I helped ds make a cake for his Blue & Gold Banquet on Saturday morning. Then I had a "lunch date" with some of my closest friends. It was such a treat since we aren't able to get together often. Then our family went to ds' Blue & Gold Banquet and witnessed his "bridging over" ceremony to Boy Scouts. We had church Sunday morning and then got to go out to lunch with two other families. It was so nice and the kids had fun with their friends. We hung out for the rest of the afternoon and got some stuff done around the house. DD14 was gone all weekend on a high school church retreat and got home yesterday evening. The only icky part of the weekend was having to work last night....but I'll choose to be grateful that I have a job to go to! :)


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

The kids had waffles for breakfast. For lunch, we had sausage and eggs on a biscuit, plus yogurt and apples. For dinner, we're having jasmine rice, grilled pineapple, cuban black beans, and caribbean chicken, with a side of corn.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today?

I need to return library books, grab a few things at the grocery store, buy dog food, get some extra chores done around the house, and take dd8 to girl scouts this evening. DS also has his first Boy Scout meeting tonight.

Edited by MamaAkins
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How is your Monday going so far? So far so-so, but I'm hoping for improvement.


How was your weekend? Pretty good overall - we just stayed home and worked on things around here.


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Dinner is pot roast with potatoes and carrots and fruit crisp for dessert.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? Working on lists of more books to sell, meeting someone to sell my PDA, and mostly just working on things to sell. We're also getting ready for a BIG garage sale on Friday and Saturday, so we'll be working on setting up all week long.



We are just over half-way to having enough to get our home out of foreclosure, and I'm working on that as much as I can. If only our bus would sell!

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Good morning everyone!


How is your Monday going so far? Pretty well. We did some school already. I've rearranged our school schedule to include Digby. He mostly just colors or practices on some handwriting sheets I printed out for him so he could do "school" too. But it's going well so far. He's not too distracting and he's free to sit or get up and walk around. It was necessary because he's starting to cut out his afternoon nap, so that time was no longer available for us to do school.


How was your weekend? Pretty good. Didn't get as much done as we needed to, but DH made a plan for some bunk beds. We need to get those built so we can move baby girl into the crib in the boys' room, then DH and I can go back to sleeping in our bed (we're in the LR now).


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? We had breakfast burritos. Lunch? The boys will be eating their leftovers from dinner last night. I'm not sure about myself yet. Dinner? Lasagna.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? Catching up on OUAT and Worst Cooks in America after the kids are asleep. I'll also be trying out the HST+ trial program. It's a bit different than the free version I had been using.

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Good morning!



How is your Monday going so far? Great so far. We are taking the day off because Dh is home today.


How was your weekend? We had a fantastic weekend catching up on family time.


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Dh went out this morning and picked up donuts and kolaches Lunch? probably sandwiches Dinner? Creamy Shrimp and Mushroom pasta


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? We are working on the bathrooms so they can be painted.

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Frugalmama -- I hope you have a really great yard sale and make the money you need!!!!



How is your Monday going so far? It is Monday all around. Late start, school going slowly, house a mess, bad news with mail and now my head is starting to hurt.


How was your weekend? We had a pretty good weekend. Went shopping for baseball stuff yesterday. Found what we were looking for so that was good.


What's on the menu today?

Breakfast? coffee for me, leftover slice of pizza for each of dc

Lunch? leftovers again, not pizza but the rest of whatever was in there

Dinner? no clue6


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? house cleaning :ack2:


My house isn't nasty but it sure is messy. We have way to much stuff and I need to get rid of it. I just feel so overwhelmed. I know I am going to make a bigger mess when I start and that just depresses me even more. :( :banghead: :banghead: Yes I know I am being whiney :nopity: and need to just get off my rear and do it. (we need a kick you in the rear smilie :lol: )


Hope eveyone has a great day :001_smile:

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How is your Monday going so far? Good- Talked to my sister in Europe for a couple of hours. Feeling better about the really hard and depressing visit with my Gram this past week-end.


How was your weekend? Drove 20 hrs to and from Chicago. Found my Gram is not doing so well. She won't name an executor, doesn't have a current will and is not o.k. Lots to think about, pray about and figure out.

What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Breakfast- cereal, bagels, Lunch- salami sandwhiches. Dinner- roast beef, corn-it's already made.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? Researching conservatorship/POA, talking to social services, etc. :sad:


Thank-God for school with the kids. Just like after the fire- it's normal, it's good, it's affirming of life. On to math and history....

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How is your Monday going so far? It is going much better than I feared that it would. I've already gone to dd's IEP meeting and speech therapy. Ds14's math/science tutor is here now. Since I had my doubts as to whether I'd be able to get out of bed, this is really good!


How was your weekend? I felt very poorly all weekend. I'm still waiting on test results but am treating myself on a couple of small things which I think are helping somewhat.


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Breakfast was 2 eggs, 1 everything bagel thin, water

Lunch will be salad with protein

I'm not sure what dinner will be. Probably something using repurposed leftovers.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? I'm not sure that I'll have the stamina to do anything other than schoolwork. I'd like to go to kickboxing tonight but we'll see.

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Good morning!


How is your Monday going so far?

Ugh. I just got back from the dentist working to put a crown on a tooth that was originally filled in the 1970's. My 1hr appointment took two hours, and I have to go back in two weeks.

How was your weekend?

The weekend was wonderful. We had 60 degree weather and clear, blue skies so I spend as much time as possible outside this weekend.


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

I'm making this for dinner - as soon as I get up and cut my beef tips.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today?

I had the dentist appointment. This afternoon, there is cello and tap dancing.

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How is your Monday going so far?


Eh. It's the first day of our New Deal with regard to homeschooling. We started this year with the assumption that we'd continue doing things more or less the way we always have, then dumped a bunch of my plans to go for a less structured approach, then discovered that wasn't working, either. So, now I have to swing the pendulum back again. I spent much of my limited free time over the weekend trying to pull together the new plan, ended up staying up working on it until after 1:00 am, still wasn't really ready this morning AND am now really tired. Plus, there's the whole adjusting to the new approach thing, and it's already been a long day.


How was your weekend?


Busy. It was the last of a three-weekend run for the show my son just did. He had performances Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, followed by an impromptu cast party and set-striking session las night.


His choir is singing for the consecration service for a new bishop in a couple of weeks. This is a very big deal, apparently, and they organizers have recruited several choirs from the area to sing. They their first massed rehearsal Saturday morning. He almost had time to get from that to an afternoon rehearsal for a show he's opening in two weeks, after which he had a performance of the first show.


On Sunday, his choir sang for the service at the Episcopal cathedral. After that, we ran home so he could have lunch before attending the youth group meeting at our regular church. And then, of course, he had the final show performance and cast party.


What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast was the usual simple stuff: hash brown patties, toast, smoothies, waffles, etc. I did my typical rice cakes with fruit spread and a handful of cashews, plus lots of coffee.


Lunch is catch-as-catch can around here. My kid had leftover Indian food from Friday's dinner. I had hummus with carrot sticks and a handful of organic jellybeans.


I have no clue about dinner yet.


Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today?


My son has his regular choir rehearsal this afternoon. My daughter is understudying a couple of roles in a show that opened this past weekend. Tonight is her only promised performance, and the other three of us are going to see her in that. Dinner will have to be squeezed in between choir and the show, but I haven't yet figured out how to make that happen.

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