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Joining Classical Conversations


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We have decided to join CC in the fall. I am really excited and nervous. I am going through the catalog trying to decide what I need. I will have a 4th, 3rd, and Kindergartener. THe fourth grader I think will do the Essential class. What do I need to have? The guides, Cds, cards,etc.?

Also our history is not going to match with Cycle 1. We are doing Sonlight American History year 1. We have done ancient twice and my kids are begging to do US history. Is this really going to foul things up?

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We are doing cycle one at home this year and we are doing ancients for history. They don't match up completely. If they have done ancients, they will at least be familiar with some of the thinga they memorize. You can always do a quick lookup of the subject for context.

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The memory CD is a must have unless you own an ipod or mp3 player and plan on joining the online community where you can download all the songs you need. I would also buy the history cards. As far as the flashcards - we never used them and instead made a binder that had all the memory work with visual pictures downloaded from the online forum. If you buy the memory CD, the history cards, and have some way of printing out or buying the flashcards, you really don't "need" the foundations guide. It has some nice additional things in it, but I don't think you "need" it.



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Also, a tinwhistle for every student. Whistles, foundation guide, history cards, cd *or* download songs from online access for $6/month. Usually you can download the first semester songs at the beginning of the year and the second semester songs closer to spring... so you can get all the stuff online for $12. But, you have to hunt for it and download it. That's for foundations. I have no idea about essentials.

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I don't think it'll mess up C.C. to do U.S. History. Really, in C.C. all you have to do is memorize the History Sentence and Cards. You don't even NEED to elaborate on them. You can do your regular History as you would w/o C.C. and just give yourself 30 or so minutes a day of drilling the Memory Work. That's the beauty of C.C. is that you can do as little or as much with it as you can. As long as your kids are memorizing the facts, you're good.


We are just in Foundations, and all you really need are the Foundations Guide, the History Cards, you could get the first set of Science Cards, but you don't have to, and we got the Memory Work CD-Rom, not the audio CD. We just take the the MP3's that are on the CD-Rom and burn them to a CD in the order that we want to. I also add some catchy tunes that I found on CC Connected, b/c CC doesn't have songs for everything. You will need the tin whistle. You will not need the science experiment book, or any of the art or music books. Those are mainly for the tutors.


Welcome to C.C.!

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To do it the "bare bones" route, join the CC Connected community after the first week of CC--you can download the songs and get lots of memory work aids and tips from users across the country. Each student should have a tin whistle. I would wait before before buying anything else.


I agree with PP about history--what you study does not need to match up with what you are covering in CC. In fact, you would be quite breathless if you tried to keep up your history studies with the CC memory work, especially for ancients :)

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My kids aren't in Essentials yet but if I were you and I was able to afford it I'd get the new map fold-out for cycle 1, the Latin fold-out, the guide, the history timeline cards, the first set of Science cards and the famous scientists set (they fit into all the sets as you go along), and a tin whistle. I would definitely buy the audio and the resource cd and the flashcards. We use all of the things I mentioned except the things that are new for next year and I can already see how we would use those consistently too. Actually, we haven't used the resource cd much this year but I regret that and wish I had printed out the slides and put them in the car for my daughter to look at while listening to the cd as she is a visual learner.

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