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Strange and eerie voicemail message

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Just bizarre.


I am not sure they knew they were leaving a message. They were talking and the man was saying, "Oh, my G-d, Oh, my G-d. He is so sick. We have to get him in there." The woman responded with, "He isn't responding."


Then they hung up.


I *THINK* this is because our number used to be an elderly folks home number. We used to get calls asking for XXXX Rest Home. We haven't had a call in a long time.


I sure hope they found the right number.



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Just bizarre.


I am not sure they knew they were leaving a message. They were talking and the man was saying, "Oh, my G-d, Oh, my G-d. He is so sick. We have to get him in there." The woman responded with, "He isn't responding."


Then they hung up.


I *THINK* this is because our number used to be an elderly folks home number. We used to get calls asking for XXXX home for the elderly. We haven't had a call in a long time.


I sure hope they found the right number.




:eek: How scary. I'm sure though it wouldn't take them long to realize that they didn't have 911 on the line and would try to call it. :grouphug::grouphug: to you. That would freak me out too.

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No, I don't think so. I think they meant to make the call but didn't know they were being recorded at that point.


At first I thought it might be a prank, but then once I remembered the calls we used to get (often at 2am!) for intakes, I figured it was the Rest Home care they were trying to call.


We used to get calls from hospitals and family.




pocket dial?:confused:
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Ok, I just listened again and turned the volume all the way up.


In the background it sounds like a nurse or family member talking to the ill person and then yelling, "He is throwing up, get a bucket."


That is when the person near the phone started saying, "Oh my G-d."



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That would be upsetting.


Years ago I was getting some very strange calls--same thing every time: silence, breathing, man's voice, more silence, more breathing. I had small children in the house and it was creepy. We got caller ID and the number traced to the county nursing home so I called to report it whenever it happened.


A few weeks later I got a call from a staff member, explaining a confused elderly man had been trying to call his wife and was upset he couldn't get through. She put "Horace" on the line and he was very apologetic--poor man.

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Well, I would think that too, but since our # was indeed the same number of a Rest Home in the past, I don't think it was.


It was also adults, they didn't sound like teens or kids. One sounded more elderly, could have been the wife???




I think this is a variation of "Where do we hide the body?" But I'm cynical.
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AWWWWEEEEEE.....that poor man.




That would be upsetting.


Years ago I was getting some very strange calls--same thing every time: silence, breathing, man's voice, more silence, more breathing. I had small children in the house and it was creepy. We got caller ID and the number traced to the county nursing home so I called to report it whenever it happened.


A few weeks later I got a call from a staff member, explaining a confused elderly man had been trying to call his wife and was upset he couldn't get through. She put "Horace" on the line and he was very apologetic--poor man.

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Well, I would think that too, but since our # was indeed the same number of a Rest Home in the past, I don't think it was.


It was also adults, they didn't sound like teens or kids. One sounded more elderly, could have been the wife???




That's definitely unsettling, then. Is there a way to call them back?


I had a long message once left by an elderly woman, about how she couldn't make to a certain place, and she was telling the person she was calling not to wait and not to worry etc, and then she suggested an alternate meeting date. I called her back and tried to explain that her friend didn't get that message. We had a nice chat, thought it took her forever to understand why I was calling. :D

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I had a long message once left by an elderly woman, about how she couldn't make to a certain place, and she was telling the person she was calling not to wait and not to worry etc, and then she suggested an alternate meeting date. I called her back and tried to explain that her friend didn't get that message. We had a nice chat, thought it took her forever to understand why I was calling. :D


LOL I have done that before too when people call my number by mistake and leave this important information for dates and meeting times and stuff on my answering machine. I would call them back so that they know the person didn't get the message. lol I just couldn't bear the thought of thinking what if it was a job interview or something and this person didn't get the message because they mis-dialed.

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