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HOD: Preparing or CTC? POLL

Which HOD program should I use?  

  1. 1. Which HOD program should I use?

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My older daughters have used CTC and up.


My younger daughters have been using Tapestry of Grace for the last few years and we just finished year 4 of the history cycle. Their ages are 11 (will be 12 in June) and 9 (just turned 9 in Feb.).


I need to switch to HOD because I don't have the time to plan TOG right now even though we love this program. Since they just finished up modern history we are able to go back to the beginning with them. I was all set to order CTC because I love that guide but now I am second guessing myself. Youngest dd is somewhat behind in her reading skills. She is pretty good a copywork and is improving daily in her writing abilities. 11 year old daughter is also a bit behind reading wise and is probably a solid 3 grade reading level but she could stretch herself.


I already ordered CTC, but now I am thinking I should have ordered Preparing. My oldest daughter (age 17) said "You want to make sure they will get the most of CTC when they do it." She loved CTC when she did it.


Please give reasons for your answers if you have time. Thanks!


What is the general consesus here. Which should I do, CTC or preparing?

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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My DD8 is doing Preparing this year and we are both really enjoying it. She is able to do all the work, but it's stretching her (and she's an advanced reader). I would like her to be 10 before we do CtC because I think she'd get more out of it. So I voted for Preparing :)

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I did parts of Preparing with an advanced, high level reading fourth grader and we skipped the hard parts. For a low level fifth grader and a typical third grader I think Preparing would be fantastic. Plus, I would hate to miss Preparing because I think it is AWESOME!

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Wow I am really surprised how many of you recommended Preparing. I guess that is the direction we will go. Thank you!


Those of you who did Preparing, what did you think of going over Ancient History again in CTC? Is the coverage similar or quite different? Did your child(ren) ask why you were doing it again? I am just curious their responses.


Thanks again!

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