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How much say do you allow your children in choosing what they read/learn?


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I'm having one of those times in my life where I am wondering why I always allow convention to dictate my life (:lol:)...in particular....our educational life... I'm hoping that I'm not alone in this...:001_smile:


I asked each of my girls yesterday (in a desperate attempt to find some focus) to choose 1-2 books off of our shelves in Literature, Geography, History and Science. I told them that any books we were in the middle of right now and all of our main books for math, languages, textbook for science, etc. would remain the same. But, I wanted to see what they would be interested in learning in the subject areas where we could have flexibility. I was pleasantly surprised when I went back into the dining room to see it covered in books. (They couldn't choose just 1-2.) I was so pleased to see them excited and to know that they have so many books they do want to read and use for school. I am grateful for that.


However, I'm trying to decide what I can do with the book overload. Both girls chose so many books!:001_smile: And of course, many of them are not related to another. I would need to narrow the list down and try to make some order out of what we do choose.


We still have many things we need to finish, so these books would have to come after the ones we are using now. How willing would you be to allow your children to choose what they study? I'm inclined to try it. My younger dd chose some very big books and I'm curious to see if this is what she really needs, or if I should continue to build her up with the books I think she should read first. She is my high reader and always has been. I worry, at times, that I squelch her fire down with my inclinations to build her foundation first. (I'll still build the foundation...I'm just wondering if I should let her try more than I do.)


Does anyone here allow for more choice in their curriculum plans? I don't worry too much about neglecting any particluar topic and we won't be neglecting any skills (we are keeping all skill subjects). What do you think?


There are several books that they both agreed they would like to read. It would be easier to choose from these.

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Thanks ladies! I think I will try to create something around their choices. They picked enough books that I think I can make something work. And I love that we can use what we have and not need to order anything new.:001_smile:


It is so hard to let go of what I think we should do next though...we'll see what we can work out.

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How willing would you be to allow your children to choose what they study?


We do this a LOT! I try to involve my 10 yro and 9 yro in planning as much as possible. I'm even starting to have them plan the daily schedule. They've been choosing what subjects to study on which days. We talk about booklists together...they tell me if they like/dislike a program that they are using.


My son recently asked to take a break from his writing program and try Wordsmith Apprentice (he saw it at the homeschool store). So, we started it this week and he finished several pages in one sitting.


I noticed that they work harder when it's something they chose/planned.

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My son is young, so he doesn't really pick any curriculum. But I give him freedom in what he reads on his own. For a while it was all simpke picture books, even though he could do more, now he has started picking more challenging stuff. When they pick, they are definitely more interested.

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I am seriously considering a baby step in this direction. I have been tossing around letting each of my kids choose a topic/subject/rabbit trail that they want to concentrate some learning on. For example, dd loves animals, learning about animals, has expressed *some* interest in animal care for the future....I am sure she would choose something related to animals.


DS, well he's itching to get his hands on some of Dad's new Adobe programs that came yesterday (PhotoShop, and some other photo/video type stuff). I am sure he would choose along those lines.


So that's where I am at the moment. And I gotta tell ya, this board, and what I read here has really stretched my thinking! I am so glad I found this place!


~coffee~ <--- French Vanilla at the moment, yum!

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I do this at least twice a year and listen to their desires to understand how to present other things.


Right now, we are doing a big rain forest unit. The boys are doing a Trail Guide to World Geography, so when we got to South America I just make it a bigger unit. The love units because that usually means more art projects but also all the extra reading about topics they love and that tie together so well.


I also talk with them about what they like and don't like about programs. They love doing Singapore's CWP because they get to do them on the white board or the window. They are loving history right now because we are watching Liberty's Kids and then reading lots of books. If we can make big posters to hang in our house they are willing to learn most anything. Or if they are able to build a diorama or set up the scene.


As far as literature, I assign a few books each month and the rest they get to chose from an approved list or get approved at the library. I have one reading the Percy Jackson series, on reading Little House on the Prairie. Who knows where they will go next but I do know they are reading lots of books most of which are good literature.

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