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It really depends on exactly where you'll be. The space center in Huntsville is great. There is an aquarium in Chattanooga that is supposed to be really good. I am sure there are other things i'm just not thinking of right now. Hopefully, someone else will chime in. Have a great trip!

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It really depends on exactly where you'll be. The space center in Huntsville is great. There is an aquarium in Chattanooga that is supposed to be really good. I am sure there are other things i'm just not thinking of right now. Hopefully, someone else will chime in. Have a great trip!


There's also a really good Discovery Museum in Chattanooga and a riverfront area that's supposed to be really nice.


I'd love to know about any homeschool stores, too, though!

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There's a lot in Chattanooga to do...the Aquarium, Rock City, Incline.

The Space Center great. I go to a used book store that is really close to the space center. It's called the Creative Learning Connection (CLC). It's a hole in the wall kind of place but I can usually find stuff there. Google it and if you can't find it let me know and I will get you the info. I do know they are only open 3 maybe 4 days a week.

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Mc Kays Used Books will buy oldies and give you store credit or cash for them. I've never been to the one in Chattanooga, but the one in Nashville is awesome.


My family lives not too far from the Chickmaugua Battlefield. Nice Free field trip right there. I loved going there when I was a kid. you need to climb up the stone tower.

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Just a heads up about the TN aquarium. The big tank in one of the buildings may still be closed. (If you're not familiar there are 2 buildings--one focusing on river environment, the other on ocean. I think it's river that is closed.) It was closed for repairs in Dec and IIRC wouldn't be back up until Mar or May? There is still a lot to see and you can easily spend hours there if you really want to see everything. It's just one tank, but it was weird having a whole wall of the building closed off.


We made a big visit to Chattanooga when my ds's were 10 and 7. They didn't enjoy Ruby Falls but they did like Rock City.


We also visited the Rocket Center last month and really enjoyed that. Well, most of us did--7yo dd did not. My ds's are much older than yours, though. The center has more interactive exhibits than they did 5 years ago but it's still a museum so the kids will want to zip through it faster than you will, probably.

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McKay's in Chattanooga is definitely worth a visit, although it could be a little dull for smaller children. You could also check out the ARK Center on Lee Hwy in Chattanooga, run by Family Christian Academy. They carry homeschooling supplies and books, although you might want to call first to be sure they have things that interest you.


The Creative Discovery Museum would be a great choice for a bunch of kids - you would do well to bring another adult along to help keep an eye on them, though. The CDM is full of colorful, hands-on exhibits, and children tend to scatter as soon as they walk in the door!

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