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Writing With Ease question...


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Does anyone own the instructor text? I am wondering, if I have multiple children on multiple levels, should I just get the instructor text and work from that rather than buying the workbooks? I have looked at the samples and maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it looks like the workbooks are repeats of what is in the instructor text that my students could actually copy for themselves.


My dh was injured cutting down a tree in the fall. I have put off buying this since he has been out of work. I am anxious to get going and I'm trying to figure out the most economical way to do so. :)


Thanks for any input.

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The workbooks are in levels, but there is one general Writing With Ease book that give suggestions for each level.


I have the one book The Complete Writer. It doesn't list everything that you'll need for one level, but it does give lots of guidance. If you want more than that, you'll need to get the workbooks.


What part of Indonesia? I'm in Lippo Karawaci- right outside of Jakarta.

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Does anyone own the instructor text? I am wondering, if I have multiple children on multiple levels, should I just get the instructor text and work from that rather than buying the workbooks? I have looked at the samples and maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it looks like the workbooks are repeats of what is in the instructor text that my students could actually copy for themselves.


My dh was injured cutting down a tree in the fall. I have put off buying this since he has been out of work. I am anxious to get going and I'm trying to figure out the most economical way to do so. :)


Thanks for any input.


I have the instructor text and workbooks, and haven't worked from the text so I thought the same thing -- that the workbooks added only student writing pages -- but someone on another thread gently corrected me. The reading selections and narration questions are only provided for some weeks out of the year (about 7, I think) to give examples of what is being elicited; then for the others you are advised to repeat the pattern.


I am also sorry to hear about your husband.


This is the recent thread where someone asked about working from only the text, and I made my error :blushing:. There are several posts RE using the text; hope it is helpful.

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The workbooks have all the passages chosen and prepared for you. They really do make it easy.


The copyright policy printed in the workbook allows you to reproduce the pages for use within your own family, but not to resell the workbook. So if you can scan and print pages to save the original pages, you do not need to re-purchase the workbook for additional children. Another option is to buy additional sets of the student pages only.

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The workbooks have all the passages chosen and prepared for you. They really do make it easy.


The copyright policy printed in the workbook allows you to reproduce the pages for use within your own family, but not to resell the workbook. So if you can scan and print pages to save the original pages, you do not need to re-purchase the workbook for additional children. Another option is to buy additional sets of the student pages only.



:iagree: I own the instructor text but I could do without it. I have the workbooks cut in half and the teacher portion spiral bound and the student pages 3-hole punched. Then I bought extra student sheets for Sylvia. WWE 3 was massive though, so I had the student pages spiral bound into a workbook.

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I have the workbooks cut in half and the teacher portion spiral bound and the student pages 3-hole punched.


This is what we have done, too.


I believe you can purchase the PDF of the entire workbook (for each level) on the PHP website. Have the instructor part printed and spiral-bound, then print out the student pages as many times as you need. I wish I had known about the PDFs before I bought the hard copies, as that is what I would have done. As it is, I will be buying the student pages PDFs and printing them off for subsequent dc.

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Okay, I'm technologically challenged so I feel like this will be a really dumb question but, if I buy the PDF books, can they be used on an ipad? I don't own one presently, but a family member is considering gifting us with one to enable our homeschooling. I am wondering if I would load them onto something like that and let the kids work *on* the iPad instead of a workbook?


Has anyone done this?


I am a decade or more behind on this type of thing! :lol:

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Okay, I'm technologically challenged so I feel like this will be a really dumb question but, if I buy the PDF books, can they be used on an ipad? I don't own one presently, but a family member is considering gifting us with one to enable our homeschooling. I am wondering if I would load them onto something like that and let the kids work *on* the iPad instead of a workbook?


Has anyone done this?


I am a decade or more behind on this type of thing! :lol:


Yes, you can do that, though I wouldn't recommend having the kids write on it for their "writing" time. I'd just get a blank piece of paper out, or you can print the student pages out if you want (I always make my own or just have him write in a notebook).


For "writing", I like my kids to be using pencil and paper to actually practice writing. Using a stylus wouldn't quite be the same.

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