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Ideas for baby/toddler while older child is doing school?


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I have a dd9 doing 3rd grade, and just adopted a 1 year old dd. I am looking for ideas to keep dd1 occupied while dd9 is trying to do school that will let me have a few minutes to work w/ dd9 when dd1 is awake. We are doing as much as we can during naps, but it isn't enough. I can't wait until 10 or 10:30 every day to start school. But I feel like I am wrestling a cat when dd1 is awake and we're trying to do school.


I put her in a pack & play for a few minutes in the dining room when we're in there, and she is on the other side of a very long gate dividing the family room and kitchen when we're at the kitchen table, so I have places for her to play. But she stands up and screams at the gate or P&P after about 2 minutes which is too disturbing for dd 9 to work (understandablyt), so what I'm doing now (just letting her play with her toys) isn't working too well. I just need ideas of things for her to "do" to keep her occupied for short amounts (10-15 minutes) at a time. I know I need to make a school box of toys that just come out at that time. What else do you do with a 12-18 month old? Toy, diversions, ANY ideas, etc. are what I'm looking for.


At this rate, I may be insane by May!!!!


p.s. the baby we adopted is 13 months old, and she isn't walking yet, but cruising and crawling like mad.

Edited by monalisa
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sink play---put her at the sink with the water running slowly, add toys or safe kitchen tools (colandar, funnel, ect). It will be messy--that's okay! ;)


High chair sensory play---sitting at high chair with playdough (perhaps PB kind that is okay to eat), or a ziplock bag with some pudding in it, ect.


Let her play in the kitchen cupboards. I always had one cupboard and drawer that was safe for littles to play in. They loved pulling out the plastic cups and containers and sorting and stacking.




And Congrats on the new addition to the family!

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