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I am using the 5-7 with both my kids right now. It is just right for my younger, I adjust as we go to make it harder for my older. I blogged about a fun MBTP activity we did recently, if you are interested. I do supplement a fair amount, but it is my DD's "core", and a lot of fun.

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I have mixed feelings about MBTP. We bought 6-8 for my 7 yr old. I like the concept and if you like FIAR, you would probably like the repetition. My daughter became bored with it. In her mind, once you've learned about goods and services, you've learned about goods and services. Following four projects over several days to learn about goods and services was overkill.


We do about half the projects and sometimes I skip whole lessons because they are repetitive. We won't buy the next package. I also do not like the errors that I found. Some mis-spelled words are not a big deal, but I've found a couple of math problems that have the wrong answer (4+3=9). I read over things but I don't like having to read over in order to make sure the publisher didn't make mistakes. It's too expensive a program to have to do that.


Still, I love all the books that came with it. I like having lots of books to assign her to read as her strength is in reading.

Edited by Slipper
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I am using the 5-7 with both my kids right now. It is just right for my younger, I adjust as we go to make it harder for my older. I blogged about a fun MBTP activity we did recently, if you are interested. I do supplement a fair amount, but it is my DD's "core", and a lot of fun.


What subjects do you supplement? Also, is there enough literature? How would work with a 4.5 year old tag along who is super bright but has some fine motor delays? Oh, your blog looks AWESOME!.

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What subjects do you supplement? Also, is there enough literature? How would work with a 4.5 year old tag along who is super bright but has some fine motor delays? Oh, your blog looks AWESOME!.




I supplement with more reading, math, science and history, so like, everything? ;) I don't think it's necessary to do that to use MBTP successfully, though, that's just what I've needed to do for our family to keep my older engaged.


MBTP does not teach reading or math, so that's something to keep in mind. There is enough literature in the 5-7 MBTP for my younger, who is 5.5 and still learning to read. For her I supplement with ETC and earliest reader books as well as a kindergarten math workbook. The 5-7 level does not have anywhere near enough literature for my older who is a voracious and advanced reader, so I give him lots and lots of books on a variety of subjects. I've yet to find an open-the-box curriculum that would work with his asynchrony as-is so I've got to cobble together stuff for him anyway.


I think a smart 4.5 could do well with MBTP, my daughter was under 5 when she started it early last summer. We took it pretty slow at first and it's true she "gets it" a lot better now, but the 4.5 could probably tag along with most of the activities and get something out of it. In the activity book, many of the activities have both easier and harder options and IMO it's easy to have a child dictate while you write or take turns writing or whatever.

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What subjects do you supplement? Also, is there enough literature? How would work with a 4.5 year old tag along who is super bright but has some fine motor delays? Oh, your blog looks AWESOME!.


Just wanted to mention that there is a lot of writing, scissor/glue stuff with this program. That may be a deal clincher or breaker for your child with fine motor delays. :)

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Just wanted to mention that there is a lot of writing, scissor/glue stuff with this program. That may be a deal clincher or breaker for your child with fine motor delays. :)


The 5-7 package does not assume the child can read and write. A lot of the activities have two options - one for those who can and one for those who can't. IMO having a lot of cut/paste activities would be good for a child who needs development in this area - unless your child hates to do it that is.


I haven't used this program yet but I've bought all the books in readiness to start the 5-7 in a few weeks. I am buying it primarily for the Science/Social Studies so I'm not worried about what else it does/doesn't contain.


My DD is a grade level learner and it looks fine for her.

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We loved MBTP, although we only used selected lit. units, not the complete program. We did not do all of the activities, only the ones that interested us or I thought would be of benefit to my child. I really loved all the graphic organizers, and the fact that many writing assignments had more than one difficulty level, so it could be tailored.


As for the level, I believe it is spot-on. For example, 7-9 is for an advanced 7yo., an average 8yo. or a delayed 9 yo. We used level 7-9 with my dyslexic dd when she was age 9-10, and it was perfect.


I also would suggest printing samples and trying them out to determine the best level for your child. I would also recommend doing only one cycle, or only one subject if you decide to use it, until you determine if you and your child would like to do more. Sometimes a full curriculum handled with a single approach can be too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using 6-8 with my first grader and plan to get 5-7 for my son next year. We had been doing FIAR, and still do a little bit, but MBTP has taken center stage around here. It keeps dd's interest, and it requires almost no planning--FIAR was getting a bit overwhelming for me.


I'm very happy with it!

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