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Besides CLE Lang. Arts?


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If the markings are the only thing that bother you about CLE, hang in there! I'm pretty sure that Level 300 is the last time you will see them. My younger DD is doing 308 right now and they drive us crazy too. I usually just have her skip them. But if I remember right, Level 400 didn't have any of that when my older DD did it and they certainly aren't in the 500 level.

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One would think spelling based on the ate in the op. I dislike typing on the Ipad because it has the auto word thing on it for my husbands work. UGG


So the 400 does not do them? Interesting. Oddly enough we are 302 after playing catch up on the 200's till Jan. My son does grasp some of the phonics but no way can he spell the words to me. We do AAS and EMoor Spelling along with games for his audio/visual connection. He can however read the words in 300 fine. He is grasping the LA parts very well.

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I hated the diacritical marks, too, but at some point in the 3rd grade lightunits, when they were totally driving me crazy, I just went through and made a list of them and what they represented. It took me all of 10 or 15 minutes. Now, my daughter is in the 4th grade lightunits and I rarely, if ever, see them at all any more. I think they have been phased out by this level.



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Their dictionary spellings go through into the upper levels, too. We switched to Rod and Staff English and Spelling and are much happier! :)


Okay, I just looked through every lesson in my daughter's 407 LU and I did find one lesson with dictionary markings. I guess that is such a drop in how often they were used in the previous levels, I didn't notice. I also think my daughter knows what they all mean now because of the reference chart I made, so she no longer asks me when she does come across a lesson with the markings.


That being said, I think there are stronger spelling programs. We started Megawords 1 a couple of months ago and I'm very pleased with it. If I continue to feel that way by the time we have finished the first volume, my dd will continue with CLE for grammar, but drop the spelling and just continue with Megawords. I had originally hoped to start her in ALL in the fall, but since that is not being published, and CLE seems to be working, I'm just going to continue with it.


I have been very happy with Hake grammar for my son.



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