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Rethinking science -wtm vs. apologia vs. nature study


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I am once again rethinking my science - mostly because #2 homeschool child needs a science program next year. Can you all help me figure out what I really want? My ds #2 is a very science thinking kid. I've done a mishmash of curriculums for him, but despite all that, he really has a good science foundation. Ds#3 is very different of course - I still haven't figured out his bent - he's an out of the box thinker. I'm curious about the whole nature study thing. BUT, I live in Minnesota where winter exists 6 months out of the nine month school year and I know myself well enough to know we will not go outside for nature study. I also don't school in the summer due to how my family is set up, so I'm thinking of a compromise with Apologia explorer series. The big question is - will this program prepare him (and dd) for upper level sciences (if you're going to answer this one, you need to have a child in the upper level sciences)? What about nature studies? What about the WTM cycle? They all appeal to me!



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Can you do nature study informally during the summer without calling it â€schoolâ€?


I don't think Apologia vs WTM science matters in those early years. Elementary is about exposure, learning to enjoy science, etc. High school science courses will start at the beginning, and your children will have those pegs of knowledge from whatever you've done in elementary.

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My kids are younger but we do nature study in the snow. This winter, we studied(at a basic level) the birds who stay in the yard during the winter. We are doing one a month. We also do animal tracking in fresh snow. We found fox prints, and read The Adventures of Reddy Fox. We ars starting our spring seeds in the house for our summer garden.


We do nature study all year... But we school year round pretty much, at least so far.

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Get a used copy of Stokes Nature Guides: A Guide to Nature in Winter by Donald Stokes and a used copy of Discover Nature in Winter by Elizabeth P. Lawlor and you should be good to go!





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My youngest son did the Apologia books when he was in about 4-6th and learned so much from them. Things he is still using today in 9th grade. He has pulled the books off the shelf to prove points or back up an answer he working on. While he used the books he would walk around with it saying "did you know?" all the time. He is using Apologia Physical Science now in 9th grade. He is understanding and retaining the info. Not sure how this will help in the long run for college, but the fact that he retained the info from the Elementary Apologia books and is pulling from that knowledge bank now, years later has got to mean something.

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