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Nice things said to you about homeschooling

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We've been huddled up in the house, sick with whatever virus is making the rounds. Since we were running low on everything and I had errands to run, the kids and I made a mad dash around town trying to get everything done before the schools let out. Traffic in this area goes downhill after 2:30 pm.


We stopped at our local grocery store and my son wanted to purchase a toy with his own money. While I was checking out, I had him go to the line next to mine to make his own purchase. Afterwards, my son's cashier came up to me and said, "Your kids are so polite. They must be homeschooled." Then, both the cashier and bagger in my line started talking about how nice homeschooling kids are and how much they enjoy talking to hs kids. The bagger said she wished her mother had homeschooled her when she was a child. I had a great conversation with all three employees about homeschooling and they were really gracious.


It was such a nice warm fuzzy, I had to share.

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I'm always amazed at how many times it is older people who approve of hsing. At stores during the day I'll have older people compliment me on the kids and say how impressed they are that we're willing to do whatever necessary to get the kids a good education. Certainly makes up for the car ride TO the store with the threats of imminent destruction if the kids misbehave! :lol:

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We've been huddled up in the house, sick with whatever virus is making the rounds. Since we were running low on everything and I had errands to run, the kids and I made a mad dash around town trying to get everything done before the schools let out. Traffic in this area goes downhill after 2:30 pm.


We stopped at our local grocery store and my son wanted to purchase a toy with his own money. While I was checking out, I had him go to the line next to mine to make his own purchase. Afterwards, my son's cashier came up to me and said, "Your kids are so polite. They must be homeschooled." Then, both the cashier and bagger in my line started talking about how nice homeschooling kids are and how much they enjoy talking to hs kids. The bagger said she wished her mother had homeschooled her when she was a child. I had a great conversation with all three employees about homeschooling and they were really gracious.


It was such a nice warm fuzzy, I had to share.


Isn't it nice to get a positive response once in a while? I have also received a few. It seems that whenever we're in the grocery store during traditional schooling hours, we get the inevitable "And where do you go to school?" question. On more than one occasion, when my dc have answered "we're homeschooled", I've heard, "Oh, aren't you lucky!".

That feels so good to me. I feel that we sacrifice a lot in order for me to stay home and homeschool, and it's so nice to hear something positive once in a while. I think my dc ARE "lucky". (Even though there's a lot more hard work involved than "luck"). :tongue_smilie:

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At my Dad's funeral, my 85 year old, very opinionated aunt asked me if I was homeschooling my girls. I braced myself for the worst and she just said, "Good for you". I was so pleased.


Not specifically a homeschooling reference but recently my family was having dinner at a nicer restaurant. After we had ordered, etc, the waiter came to the table to thank my children for being so polite to him. He said that it was so rare to find polite children and that most treated him very rudely. He told them that obviously their parents are doing the right things.:)

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Thanks for sharing. It is a good feeling!


I'm having a hard time remembering any BAD comments we've received, thankfully. We very often receive, "Aren't you lucky?", "They're so polite. I thought they might be homeschooled", and to me I get lots of "Keep it up, mom!" and "I wish I would have homeschooled my kids".

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