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Teacher's Lodge 2-9-12

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Gooood morning, everyone! I'll pretend I'm bright and chipper this morning, just for your sake. I'll never really be a morning person, though.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? The kids had oatmeal for breakfast today, and I had toast with jam.


Are you having a good week? Ours hasn't been horrid, but I've had better. We got a new roof on the house (YAY!) but both kids have been suffering with colds (BOO!).


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? I'll be going to Zumba for the first time ever tonight. One of my friends has been dying to go but doesn't want to go by herself, so I said I'd go with her. Anyone know what to expect?



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Thanks for putting on a happy face for us! I have enough frowny faces when I tell the kids it is time to get down to schoolwork! LOL!


What's for breakfast/lunch today? The kids had waffles. I skipped breakfast. Lunch will be leftovers or sandwiches. Dinner is in the crockpot already. We're having Brown Sugar and Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin (http://pinterest.com/pin/264797653060406987/ ), with Roasted Red Potatoes with Bacon, Garlic & Parmesan (http://pinterest.com/pin/264797653060401625/ ), Roasted Asparagus with Shallots (Rachel Ray recipe), and homemade bread.


Are you having a good week? Eh..not bad, but not spectacular either. Two of my girls have stuffy noses. I'm praying that they get over it quickly without it escalating to anything else. We're supposed to go to the Great Wolf Lodge on Sunday/Monday and I want everyone to be able to enjoy it fully.


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)?

I'm making two new recipes for dinner this evening (listed above). I've been trying to put my pinterest pins into action lately, so we've been trying new recipes at least a few times per week.

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Good morning! Thanks for opening the lounge this morning. I always look for the door to it first thing.;)


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast today will be an everything bagel and some protein. I'm out of eggs so I'll have to see what other kind of protein I have.


Lunch will be a salad with chicken.


Are you having a good week? Hmmm. Physically, no. I've had a swollen sore throat and lymph nodes for over a week. Now my feet are both swollen and I'm finding it difficult to walk. Sigh. But otherwise, yes.


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? Cardio kickboxing! It is really hard but I love it!


Anyone know what to expect? I love Zumba! Expect to have fun.:) The songs are upbeat and loud. The instructor will do the choreography without much commentary but just follow along as best you can. Everyone does what they can do. It will take a couple of times to really know what they are doing but that's ok.

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Good morning!


Breakfast was eggs, sausage, and toast. And LOTS of coffee. Lunch will be leftover chili and anything else that needs to be finished up before I grocery shop tomorrow. The kids aren't chili fans, so they'll have yogurt and the last of the pumpkin bread.


Not sure what to say about the week. It has been an adjustment having DH home (he lost his job last week), but the kids are enjoying the extra time with him. They have been teaching him a Wii game and watching Phineas and Ferb together after school each day. The high point of my week is my new toilet. Nope, I am not kidding! My BIL installed it yesterday. The whole time we have lived here I had a toilet with serious mineral staining, and it drove me nuts to clean it every day and have it never look clean..... I am absurdly happy about how shiny the new one is.:D



I don't really have anything new going on at the moment.

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Breakfast was apple juice with cinnamon-sugar toast, eggs (with cheese for DD), and sausage links for the kids (cereal and a huge glass of water for me).

Lunch will likely be fast food today because the kids want to go to homeschool open gymnastics and I won't have enough time to go grocery shopping beforehand and we are out of bread. Otherwise, we'd probably have sandwiches. I think I'll be shopping while they are in gymnastics to save some time in our day!


Our week has been, and will continue to be, very busy. So far we've spent a ton of time trying out new (to us) vehicles and last night finally purchased one... 3 hours with 3 kids under 7 later and we now have a used Honda Odyssey. I've also been to the chiropractor twice this week, have had to pick up paperwork from my OB since I apparently failed my 1 hour glucose screening, and I've had to schedule a bunch of stuff. Up for the rest of the week is the gymnastics, grocery shopping, a huge Girl Scout event tomorrow night that will probably keep me busy for at least 8 hours tomorrow afternoon/night, family pictures Saturday morning, and a girl's night Saturday night.... A jewelry party Sunday afternoon and picking up, sorting, and distributing our troop's Girl Scout Cookies Sunday night. I AM TIRED JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!! AHHHH! School-wise, school has been okay.


Last new thing I tried... prenatal chiropractic care. So far, so good! It's been working out well and I've only been twice.

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I've been trying to put my pinterest pins into action lately, so we've been trying new recipes at least a few times per week.


I had to go find you on Pinterest. You'll have to let us know how the recipes turn out!


Expect to have fun.:) The songs are upbeat and loud. The instructor will do the choreography without much commentary but just follow along as best you can. Everyone does what they can do. It will take a couple of times to really know what they are doing but that's ok.


Thank you!! I'll muddle along the best I can. Way to go with your cardio kickboxing... I used to do that (auld lang syne, pre-kids, and all that) and it was exhausting but SO much fun.


It has been an adjustment having DH home (he lost his job last week), but the kids are enjoying the extra time with him.


So sorry to hear :( But it sounds like you're able to see the bright side, at least a little bit. Congrats on the new toilet :)


So far we've spent a ton of time trying out new (to us) vehicles and last night finally purchased one... 3 hours with 3 kids under 7 later and we now have a used Honda Odyssey. I've also been to the chiropractor twice this week, have had to pick up paperwork from my OB since I apparently failed my 1 hour glucose screening, and I've had to schedule a bunch of stuff.


Yay for new vehicles! That's frustrating about the glucose test. Hopefully the next one goes well. Hang in there with your week. It'll be over before you know it, right?

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Nothing for me so far as I'm not feeling good this morning, DD hasn't decided what she's having yet. Lunch is who knows.


Are you having a good week? So-so. School has been good, but my health hasn't been all that great. I have a list of errands a mile long to get done that just aren't going to.


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? Gortons Skillet Crisp fish - YUMMY. And it's quick and easy too. I keep a couple of boxes on hand now - toss it in the oven, fix some rice / noodles to go with, pop a steam in bag veggie in the microwave and ultra easy dinner is served.

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Gooood morning, everyone! I'll pretend I'm bright and chipper this morning, just for your sake. I'll never really be a morning person, though.
Hee, hee! Well, thanks! Very charitable of you. :D


What's for breakfast/lunch today?


Bkfst: I had my customary bowl of oatmeal w/Craisins, raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg. I think all the kids had a piece of toast and a yogurt tube (it's a "grab and go" breakfast day).


Lunch: Kids are having turkey & ham sandwiches as the "main event" of their lunch box lunches (they are at music school today) and I'll have some leftover salmon leek chowder, salad, and maybe a homemade granola bar.


Are you having a good week? Ours hasn't been horrid, but I've had better. We got a new roof on the house (YAY!) but both kids have been suffering with colds (BOO!).
Congrats on the new roof! Hope your children will feel better soon.


I am having a good week, praise God for His mercies. No complaints here.



What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? I'll be going to Zumba for the first time ever tonight.
WOOT! Have fun (I hear it's a blast, but I've never done a class myself).


I'll be trying out making "pizza pop 'ems" in my mini muffin pans. I think they'll make a fun lunch for the children on co-op day. I tried making them once using a Rachael Ray recipe, but didn't like the dough. I'm using store-bought refrigerated dough this time around and I'm hoping to get better results.

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Good morning everyone!


What's for breakfast/lunch today? I had leftover pizza, Pigby had cereal and Digby had a muffin. For lunch, Pigby is eating at his school, I am not yet sure what Digby and I will do.


Are you having a good week? It's been ok, except for some lack of sleep issues again. Those are pretty consistent, so I'm used to it. We got out on a walk early yesterday morning. It made me happy because I got to use baby girl's snow suit. Since apparently winter has skipped, it's nice to be getting some use out of it. We'll be taking more walks to use it more; that discovery made me happy. Also, yesterday was her 1st birthday, which was exciting. She got her first taste of sugar from a mini cupcake. The chocolate face was really cute. I also need to go buy her some new clothes, she outgrew all the winter ones I had for her. Buying baby girl clothes also makes me happy.


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? I've been trying to teach myself how to sew. I cut out and started sewing baby girl a summer dress, put the zipper on, and am now stuck on the bias tape. Apparently I went with what I thought it should be (on the outside) and I guess that's wrong. To me it doesn't look awful and I'm considering just leaving it, because who would care?


I did start Zumba a few weeks ago. I am woefully uncoordinated w/ my hands and feet moving at the same time. I'm very good at ballroom dancing, but I've never been able to pick up moving the hands and feet at the same time. My friend told me her instructor told her that it would take 6 times before you really start to get it. She said to focus on the feet movements first, then the hands, then the hips. In any case, it's pretty fun and can be a really good workout. Everyone is watching the instructor, or so my friend says, so no one notices if you mess up.

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Bfast was eggs and toast, haven't eaten lunch yet, but I'm thinking quesadillas.


Are you having a good week? Good and bad. Older is having trouble focusing for some reason, younger learned to knit, and my stomach issues seem to be resolving themselves after much attention to diet!


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever) Went to the mall in West Palm Beach--fancy! We had a great time.

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Elise1mds -- the new roof :thumbup:


MamaAkins -- dinner sounds yum :drool5:


Jean -- :grouphug: hope the swelling goes down soon


Jen in PA -- :hurray: on toilet :grouphug: on job loss. I understand that all to well


Radish -- just reading about your week makes me tired :svengo:


Frugalmama -- hope you get to feeling better soon :grouphug:

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?

Breakfast -- coffee for me, sweet tea for kiddos

Lunch -- McD's, yeah I know, not good but it was easy :blushing:

Supper -- Soup maybe


Are you having a good week? Kiddos have been sick with a cold and I think I am trying to get it. The house is a horrible mess and I don't feel like cleaning it. Otherwise all is good :lol:


What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? A Larabar, peanut butter cookie flavor. That is the only thing new thing I can think of. It was good :D


I had to go back to the store for more medicine this morning. On the way home I picked up lunch.

Edited by Baseball mom
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