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Oh my gosh! Did you hear what Josh Powell did??

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I just saw this on the Today Show. I'm sitting here in shock! How could he do that?? Why did he have to involve his two kids?? It makes me sick! All this time....I kind of believed him that he didn't do anything to Susan...I thought his father was involved. But, they said the boys were beginning to talk...saying that the night they went camping, mommy was in the trunk and then she disappeared. :crying:

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Currently being discussed here: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=345254


Sad. Just sad.


I missed that thread. Before posting, I searched for "Josh Powell" and it didn't come up (his name wasn't mentioned in that post). So, I thought I was the first to post it. :lol: I should have known....I'm usually the last to know anything. :001_rolleyes:

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Now that this is coming up again, there is some discussion of a friend who had dinner with them the night before she "disappeared." The husband prepared the food, and was yammering on the phone with his dad for half the night -- then the wife Susan went to bed early feeling "unwell." She was gone the next morning.



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I just saw this on the Today Show. I'm sitting here in shock! How could he do that?? Why did he have to involve his two kids?? It makes me sick! All this time....I kind of believed him that he didn't do anything to Susan...I thought his father was involved. But, they said the boys were beginning to talk...saying that the night they went camping, mommy was in the trunk and then she disappeared. :crying:


because he was a narcisstic control freak who couldn't stand the thought of anyone but him raising those boys. (except daddy dearest). The UT police had turned over "images" they found at his own house (this was in our local news last week) - images he could never claim belonged to daddy dearest. THAT prompted the judge to order him to have a 'pscyho-s*xual evaluation and a polygraph before he could have another hearing to discuss custody.


back in 2010, his own sister stated publicly she thought he was guilty. Susan was afraid of him, that's why it was HER friends who reported her missing the very next morning. Susan had considered leaving him, but was afraid of what he'd do as he threatned her that she'd never get her boys.


there were at least 10 gallons of gasoline in the house as an accelerant on top of the natural gas.

Edited by gardenmom5
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