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Really behind in RS C


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I really messed up math. It's ok or advice?


My kids are in 2nd grade. One is not at all mathy and math has been a real struggle.


We had been using RightStart which is terrific for his twin but not so great for him. So I switched math curriculum this year hoping to find a better fit for him. I tried several things and none where really right so I finally decided to go back to RightStart with him.


That means I'm now on about lesson 30 of 160 or so in RightStart C with this child. I don't think math will ever be his thing but I'm now thinking RightStart is probably the best curriculum for him but we're so behind! I can't do two lessons a day (or whatever) with this child to catch up. I'm feeling like I've really messed him up.

Edited by sbgrace
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I called Right Start in a hot hover a few months ago- Right Start is our THIRD math curriculum for my 2nd grader but it is absolutely the right fit for her- she loves it! That being said, she is only on Level B. I wanted to go back to make sure she had a good foundation. The lady at RS assured me that she would be fine. B in 2nd grade, C in 3rd, D if 4th and E in 5th. Even with only finishing B this year, she'll finish the entire RS Elementary curriculum by the end of 5th grade.


So I actually think that your 2nd grader being partway through C puts him a little ahead.

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We are currently 2 months behind where I had "planned" to be by this time in math. We had to slow down for several new concepts and really make sure things were sticking. I think it's better to take your time and really have him understand, then to rush and try to simply cover ground.

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Even though RS C is supposed to be for Gr. 2, look at the things that are taught in that level. Many of those processes aren't taught in ps until Gr. 3 or 4. Stop thinking of how 'behind' you think you are and concentrate on where your child is. Just keep plodding forward with blinders on so you can't see where others are. This is the best thing you can do for your child.

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Something else that might make you feel better: Right Start D has a TON of review of things introduced in C. A child who really "got" RS C and didn't take a long break before starting D could zip through much of it. We didn't take a break between C & D, and my daughter is a little grumpy with the slow pace of D.


You can check out the ToC of RS D here, starting on page 11 of the PDF: link.

Edited by jplain
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Even though RS C is supposed to be for Gr. 2, look at the things that are taught in that level. Many of those processes aren't taught in ps until Gr. 3 or 4.



By the time students have completed RS C, they will have covered nearly everything on the CA Grade 3 math standards except some of the multiplication & short division.


FWIW, my DD took the 3rd grade ITBS about a month after completing RS C and before she had covered anything new in Singapore 3A. She scored in the 99th percentile for both concepts and calculations. The only section where she scored somewhat lower (still very respectable though) was estimation. If your child needs to take a 3rd grade standardized test prior to finishing RS C, I would therefore recommend taking a few days to go over estimation.

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Let's map out a possible math sequence from where you are now:


3rd - C

4th - D

5th - E

6th - G

7th - prealgebra

8th - algebra


There you go. You're not behind at all. ;) And you'll likely be in E at some point in 4th grade, from the sounds of it. Getting to algebra in 8th or 9th is very typical. You're on the early side of typical, and may even end up early, because you'll likely finish C before you're even halfway through 3rd grade.

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