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s/o What is Classical Ed?--Jesuit article--anyone download?


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Did anyone download this? If so, could you PM me and arrange to email it to me? I opened this in the wayback machine and minimized it partially read, and now it's timed out and I can't get it to display again no matter what I do.


I'm kicking myself that I didn't just download it when I had the chance. Was anyone else more "with it" than me?


Here's the link I've been trying through the wayback machine:



Argh, I was planning to read this slowly and carefully this weekend!


Thanks so much!

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On pg. 191 of the article there is a discussion of connection from the educational figure of Howard Gardner & Ignatius methods.


My brain sparkles with glee!


The quote:


Involving multiple intelligences in the learning process is the same process

that Ignatius called the “application of senses.â€


Howard Gardner & Benjamin Bloom are nothing short of hero material for me. Those are the two I followed years ago with my oldest daughter. I didn't know about Classical Education back then.


Now to discover that Jesuit theology is related to both of them is pretty neat.


Loved the reading list on 194 - highly printable stuff. Keeper material, beautiful path, truly. :)


If anyone gets all gushy go go go about those two (Bloom/Gardner) in my opinion, it's best to stay off the net on what their works are about. The theories of both have been absorbed into mainstream PS culture; and the internet opinions/approaches/interpretations can be very far from the original works and books they wrote.


The net is not reliable for reflection or understanding of what they really mean.

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