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Teachers Lodge 2-1-2012

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Happy February!


Yep, I'm opening the Lodge today. Needed something to do to keep the emotional turmoil of yesterday from seeping back into my mind. Long story short: our dog bit someone (a neighbor) rather severely on Monday and dh and I made the very difficult decision to let animal control take her. Today I feel like crawling into bed, sleeping all day, and letting the kiddos fend for themselves. But I won't because I'm more responsible than that and we have lots of schoolwork to get done. I'm still emotionally drained, though.

What's for breakfast/lunch today? I'm still working on coffee. No idea what's for breakfast. Or lunch!


What's on your schedule for today? Here: surviving!


Do any of you scrapbook? Here: I do! I went on a scrapbooking retreat this past weekend and it was wonderful! I need another retreat, NOW! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Scrap


What's for breakfast/lunch today?

Breakfast was coffee and an oatmeal cranberry cookie. Don't think the kiddos ate.

Lunch will be whatever we can scrounge


What's on your schedule for today? School and housecleaning :ack2:


Do any of you scrapbook? No but I keep wanting to start. Maybe that can be my incentive to get the house organized

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Oh Scrap, I'm so sorry about your dog. :grouphug:


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast with be Eggo Waffles.

Lunch will be some variation of the salad with protein theme.


What's on your schedule for today? Speech was cancelled. The speech teacher called in sick. So all we have is library today. We only did 1/2 day school yesterday so today is the other half.


Do any of you scrapbook? I had great hopes of scrapbooking. But in fact, not only do I not scrapbook, I still have no baby pictures of my ten year old even in a plain old photo album!

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Good Morning. I'm sorry you had such a rough day yesterday. Busy is good.


Breakfast. I had my usual of Greek yogurt, berries and flax. The girls had leftover gf blueberry pie. Pie is a good breakfast, right?


Today. I am super busy on Wednesdays which is why I am here now and avoiding the mountain of work I should be facing. I have 3 meetings today, and we're working hard a big project. Oh, and the kids needs schoolin' and such.


Scrapbook? I have in the past had good intentions to scrapbook. I have since learned that I lack both the creativity and time to do it.

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I'm so sorry, Scrap! I'd want to crawl back into bed too. :grouphug:


We are all sick with a cold-like virus here. I wish we just had a normal cold, but we are so run down with this despite getting rest, drinking lots of fluids, and upping our vitamin C intake. If we had fevers, I'd say we had the flu, but no fevers. So, school has been light this week.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Scrambled eggs, OJ, and english muffins with blueberry jam for breakfast. Lunch will probably be the chicken noodle soup that I made for dinner last night.


What's on your schedule for today? A little bit of school, lots of rest, and some extra TV time.


Do any of you scrapbook? I used to, but I don't anymore. I'd like to get into digital scrapbooking because I think I would enjoy that more, but I've yet to find the time to sit down and learn.


I hope you have a better day today, Scrap!

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I'm so sorry about your dog :grouphug::grouphug:


What's for breakfast/lunch today? The boys had cereal. I haven't had any yet because there wasn't that much left and I wanted to make sure they ate their fill. And now I'm just too lazy to go and get some.


What's on your schedule for today? I'm in survival mode here too. I don't need to get into the boring particulars, but suffice it to say that I had another sleepless night with children waking up and I'm about at the end of my limit.


Do any of you scrapbook? I used to, when Pigby was a baby. It makes too much of a mess now, so it's all in a box waiting for me when they kids are grown enough to know not to touch.

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So sorry about your Dog :grouphug: We must have been posting at the same time - I was just coming to start today's post.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was rice cakes at 6am, lunch will be who knows what. Dinner will be something and steamed cauliflower as it needs cooked.


What's on your schedule for today? Starting back to school today for the 1st time since August :D Along with prepping for a yard sale on Friday


Do any of you scrapbook? Nope - I never have been able to get into it.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry, that's rough.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? My breakfast was chocolate chip cookies and green tea. Lunch is TBD. I think the kid had a peanut butter sandwich. She's pretty independent in the mornings.


What's on your schedule for today? Paying bills! It's the first! YAY! Or not. At least it will be over soon, right? Must get school done. Didn't do any yesterday, but I've been sick and I just couldn't do it.


Do any of you scrapbook? Nope. A friend actually bought me supplies and I never have figured out how to get started.

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Sorry about your dog, Scrap. How is your neighbor? Hoping his or her injury was not too bad.

What's for breakfast/lunch today? Two dds had waffles, one had pancakes, and ds and I had grits and sausage. The kids are having sandwiches because my mom's husband gave us about 15 loaves of bread yesterday (he works for Pepperidge Farm). I'll probably have a sandwich later (not hungry right now). Dh will be cooking dinner tonight...I think we're having salisbury steak with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, and salad.


What's on your schedule for today? DD14's literature coop was canceled for today because the teacher was sick. So, we're doing some extra schoolwork at home and preparing for afternoon extracurriculars. DD14 has dance. The other three kids have their Music & Drama program at church.


Do any of you scrapbook? Nope. Bought stuff many, many years ago with the intention of doing it, but it's just not my thing. I don't have the time, space, patience or creativity for scrapbooking!

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So sorry about your dog :grouphug:



What's for breakfast/lunch today? No appetite. It's manure-spreading day in our 'hood and we can't breathe. I don't even want to open the fridge, lest I risk manure-air mixing with my salmonella turkey.


What's on your schedule for today? I think we'll go out in search of fresh air. Who can do school when there's no breathable air??


Do any of you scrapbook? No. I don't do anything cute or pretty; it's a major character flaw. But you can go to Walmart with me to escape the stench if you wish.

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