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Pity party of one

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I just really need to vent, and I can't in real life, so feel free to skip over this.


My car was broken for over a month while we scraped together money for the necessary repairs. Got it fixed this past Friday; the very next day something else broke and will cost another thousand+ dollars that we don't have at the moment. We still have another year to pay on the car (the ONLY car we ever did not pay cash for and we have sworn never to do that again) so junking it and getting a new one isn't an option. We live in the boondocks and the buses to my house only run twice in the very early morning and twice at night. That's it.


I have my youngest in my friend's daycare so I can work out of the home three days per week (he has gone from no French to fluently bilingual in her care) to earn money for stupid things like unexpected repairs and our children's scary appetites because food is really pricey in QC. I will have to pull him out because I now have no way to get him there...I had bummed a lift with a friend last month when I worked but I can't do that indefinitely! Then what do I do about work? I'm not enjoying it but the money is necessary. My husband says he's going to look for a second job but that makes me feel even worse about it!


Then we got dumped by our life insurance last year because I had pneumonia for three months. Now we have been jumping through hoops for another company through my husband's work and they sent a letter saying they want to urine-re-test us both because of "abnormalities" and that they want to rule out lab error. What the heck does that mean? I called but they won't give out any info at all. So if one of us dies tomorrow the other one is sunk. Aargh!


And did I mention that in QC almost nobody has a regular doctor because of the shortgage, so I can't just call one and ask him?


Ok, sorry about the whining. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest. I'm off to walk the 1.5 hours to replace at the daycare (minus my son) because I'd already promised and she has physio.

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