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If you self-identify as a Christian, is using an X for Christ (e.g., Xmas) offensive?

Is using an "X" in place of the word "Christ" offensive to you?  

  1. 1. Is using an "X" in place of the word "Christ" offensive to you?

    • Yes, I call myself a Christian and "X-ianity" is offensive to me.
    • No, I call myself a Christian and "X-ianity" is not offensive to me.

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I know quite a few atheists and using xianity and xian doesn't even register on their radar. Most of them know a little Greek and Latin and know what the 'x' stands for.


I find it humerous that some seem to say, "Yes, I get it that it is Greek, but I think that you are using x to be sneakily snarky and I get it and don't appreciate it!"


The local Unitarian minister has the last name of "Christian" and he signs his name Fred Xian. It is not because he wants to "keep Jesus out of his name". It is because he knows Greek and thinks it is a funny GeekyGreeky joke. :lol:


Yes, but I'm not sure if it maybe a regional thing. We do have 'issues' with local atheist groups who like to make billboards that mock the Christian religion and they do it every year with out fail. So when they use the X in X-mas, their intent is , and they acknowledge it too, it to be snarky and disrespectful.

Maybe this isn't so prominent in other places of the U.S. I don't know. But its a very BIG problem here where I live. For instance in Pittsburgh there was a bill board that just recently went up... " God is an imaginary friend : Chose reality it will be better for us." Now of course they have a right to say what they want but its to attack , not educate.

But you see this , Jesus with a red X on him and you automatically begin to associate the X with something much more than the Greek letter X. I tried to attach the photo of the billboard but it won't show up on here. Or how about the Facebook page : I'm athiest, I celebrate X-mas not Christmas group? ( http://www.facebook.com/pages/Im-Atheist-so-I-celebrate-X-mas-not-christmas/138664879520588) So, umm, yes, there are those who use the letter X in a very derogatory way. Or how about the Blog Talk Radio by the Thinking Athiest who says : Put the X back in Christmas. ? http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thethinkingatheist/2011/12/11/home-for-the-holidays-2011 I'm not thinking that this means put Christ back in Christmas...


I also think some are confusing how Christian's celebrate Christmas and Easter.

Christmas is NOT in the Bible either. We don't know Jesus' true birthdate to begin with. There is nothing in the Bible about trees and presents and gifts. I'm sure this ritual was passed down through time most likely through secular society , like everything and people just stuck with it. I'm most sure the Christian religion adopted some of it just because it was familiar to everyone. I mean really , how would you get someone to convert to something totally different then what they were used to in the first place? Its not uncommon for society to use familiar things that people are familiar with to change people's minds. Not uncommon at all. The commercialism is secular , though most Christian's gather around the hoopla, but it has nothing to do with Christianity but more worldly belief.

Chocolate Easter bunnies have nothing to do with Easter. Nor really do Christian's relate it to Easter ( if you do then one should wonder). Easter is about the Resurrection of Christ. Nothing more. Again a secular thing. Has nothing to do with Christianity. Though the Easter bunnies are symbols if you want to get down to the nitty gritty of the renewal of spring. But we don't give each other chocolate Easter bunnies or baskets of candy to each other at church. But it maybe a tradition of sorts with families.


I know that the Jehvoahs' Witnesses do not celebrate any holidays at all because of this very thing. Its not in the Bible.

Edited by TracyR
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You are correct, Tracy, I didn't know of those things that happen in your area. My take on it is that they are tired of ''PUT THE CHRIST BACK IN CHRISTmas!!" campaigns every year.


Easter and Christmas were indeed co-opted by Christians from pagans. (See "Christians who celebrate Jewish holidays" thread for more info.)

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The: Put the Christ back in Christmas campaign I'm most sure came as a response to things like what we've experienced here and I'm sure in other places.

The church usually responds if something comes up from someone else first. Just like recently when the billboard came up this Christmas with the You Know its a Myth: This Season Celebrate with Reason. Well no one from any faith had anything up. But the Catholic church did respond with a billboard of their own. So usually its in response too. Not that I agree that they even had to really respond to it. But, it is what it is.


Like I said, this maybe why some people in some areas feel that using X is offensive because they see and hear a lot of this negative connotation having it being used against Christianity rather then to just replace the word Christ.


Maybe there are some here that don't encounter that in the area they live.

Edited by TracyR
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