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Sooo the KY bridge that is broken...

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We're in Paducah (45 minutes west of the bridge), and it's a big deal. Strangers have been talking about it at the store while waiting in line, etc.


Our ds tutors at the local comm college, which has a deluxe Internet connection (it has a special name). Today, they had no Internet campus-wide because their connection depends on a fiber optic cable that spans that bridge.


My dh and I cannot believe so much is affected by the boat accident. Are they going to string a cable across the broken portions of the bridge?!?


But honestly, we love living in a rural area like this, where things like this can actually happen! (And we welcome tourists to Kentucky Lake--it really is a beautiful place to vacation in the Midwest.) :)


ETA: Here's a link for 32 pictures. It is an old bridge, but a beautiful view. We drove over it last month after hiking in the Land Between the Lakes.


Edited by Beth S
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Just something that has me curious about this story- all the headlines say "Bridge Collapses"- NO a huge ship ran into it! I don't get it. The stories I've seen so far don't even talk about the ship.




ETA: Oops, ignore me, they have updated all the stories since I originally read them.

Edited by Mary in VA
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