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Do you track the time your dc is working on a particular course...

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to make sure that they complete 150 hours of work to get a credit? If we do that, it will be a huge jump in workload next year (less than 5 hours now to 6.5 hours a day next year). I'm just not sure ds is up for it. I can see counting hours of activity in p.e., but it seems to me that for a subject like math, he should just take whatever time he needs to complete the text and pass the tests with a decent grade.


We live in England and there is no 180 day requirement here or any requirements really. I'm just wondering what the requirements are for putting the info on a high school transcript.

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I've never counted hours.. When they are finished, they are finished. Example: my oldest does Chalkdust math.. He typically finishes early around Feb or March.. It is looking like he will finish Precalc in April at the rate he is going.. On the other hand.. I'm guessing we will still be doing Geometry all summer and into the fall for my middle child. He will only get 1 credit for Geometry, even if it takes us 18 months to finish. As I said, my oldest did it in about 7. I have a syllabus for each class. When they have finished the material, they earn credit.

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I count hours for subjects where we are not using any sort of "normal" curriculum and I have no course outlines from other sources to show what others have covered in a similar class.


Examples -- my dd did a "Advanced Sewing" and then a "18th Century Clothing" class. These classes were entirely of our own creation, and I could not find any descriptions for anything remotely equivalent online. We did count hours so that we knew when enough was enough and we could call the course done.

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but I live in Missouri and we have to track hours anyway. So I record them by class in a database. That way I can see the total hours and the hours for each class. This is the first year I've done it since my oldest is just a freshman, but it has helped a newby high school mom feel more secure in the credits I'm assigning. I don't know that I would think it was worth it if I weren't tracking them already though.

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We are in MO and have to count.

I found that counting school hours holds my kids accountable and helps us see where time has been used inefficiently. I have a spreadsheet where I put in their daily time and it adds per day and per subject.

I give a credit when a textbook or specified course is finished (math, science), but for subjects where I put together a course myself using various resources, I use the time spent as a measure of whether we did enough for a credit or not.

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I count hours for subjects where we are not using any sort of "normal" curriculum and I have no course outlines from other sources to show what others have covered in a similar class.


Examples -- my dd did a "Advanced Sewing" and then a "18th Century Clothing" class. These classes were entirely of our own creation, and I could not find any descriptions for anything remotely equivalent online. We did count hours so that we knew when enough was enough and we could call the course done.


Me, too.


So, this year I'm counting hours for my son's "Vocal Performance" class and for his "Survey of Performing Arts."

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The book I'm reading says that 1 credit is equal to 180 'school hours' of 50 minutes each, 150 actual hours. So halve that for a semester.


The thing is, I don't think that I actually had every class every day back when I was in school. But that was a very long time ago, so I may be mis-remembering.

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