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Can you suggest a Vacuum for all TILE.. one that doesn't..

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kick out the stuff from behind the vacuum, but REALLY picks up the dirt. We have a 3000+ sq. ft house.... and need help. We use the SH-MOP for mopping, but sweeping or vacuuming sucks :)

This is a pun..

because my vacuum is not sucking up contents

only throwing them around the room.

PS - I have a Eureka Boss SmartVac, which I purchased as a result of this forum.

Thanks Hive-Sisters :)


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I purchased it from a local vacuum store. She actually talked me out of buying a more expensive model! You could google Miele online and see where a dealer is near you. I know they sell them online at various places...but I like to "test drive" my vacuum. I absolutely LOVE my vacuum cleaner...I know, that sounds pathetic! However, I do LOVE my dh and kids MORE!!

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or probably almost any cannister vac. You just don't want an upright that has a beater bar. It's the beater bar that throws stuff all over.


I like my Eclectrolux; it does a fine job on bare floors, and it has attachments for furniture and whatnot. It does have a carpet attachment, with a beater bar, and that's ok. If I want rilly, rilly deep cleaning of my area rugs, I bring my Electrolux upright downstairs (it's upstairs 'cuz I have carpet up there).

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I have only hardwood and tile floors but I do vacuum a lot since we have indoor dogs. I agree with Ellie, you can't really use a upright. I have a Eureka cannister and I use a hardwood attachment. It never blows the dirt around. It works great. I have a carpet attachment that I use for our area rugs that has a separate motor for additional suction. I bought it a Lowe's about 6 yrs. ago.

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Just to reiterate what a couple others have said - uprights generally do not do the best with hard surface flooring. I have an 18yo Rainbow with a hardwood floor attachment that I use on my tile and hardwood floors weekly. Past that, I love, love, love my swivel sweeper for maintenance during the week on the same floors. I am so lost without it that I've not purchased a backup in case my primary unit ever goes out. I have a shedding dog and this thing has enabled me to keep my sanity! It gets corners and along baseboards (where dog hair likes to hide) beautifully.

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I LOVE my Miele Carina. It works GREAT on tile, hardwood floors, and laminate (we don't have carpeting anywhere.) It has TERRIFIC suction!


Good luck!


We have this too, and wish I had gotten a Miele when we were first married. Would have saved a lot of frustration in the long run. LOVE MY MIELE!!!!!!!

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