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How come when I print something off of Homeschool Share...


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Are you on a Mac? My Mac automatically defaults to the Preview program and if I print a .pdf it messes up the document. If I open the .pdf with Adobe Reader then it prints normal.



Hmmm, I am not on a mac. But maybe that whole adobe thing is my problem. I will have dh look into this - I am known as computer challenged.:tongue_smilie:

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I posted a link to this thread on HSS for Ami ;) But, while they look into it, you could try looking for them on FaceBook {Homeschool Share} to get direct answers to your problem.


Having said that if you opened something in preview and it looked icky open it in Adobe, all though I've never had issues opening anything from HSS in preview here.

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I have a similar problem sometimes. In my case, it's because I'm using an "older" PC (ca 5 years?) that is usually running a lot of programs simultaneously, and there just wasn't enough memory to render the letters properly for printing. One person had the same issue with a PDF that she bought from me, and I suggested that she either print from another computer or try closing every other running application when she went to print. Shutting down and restarting, then printing right away, can be helpful in ensuring that nothing else is running. I find that if I close everything but Adobe Reader, it works fine, but in a HUGE document, it might not.


The reason it might have worked if you printed to a PDF printer, by the way, is perhaps that that process strips the layers and complexity from the PDF file and the resulting file could be smaller and less complex to render for printing.


Just a thought.

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