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Showing horseback riding on a HS transcript as a sport..

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There seem to be quite a few horsey people on WTM boards, so I'm posting this in case anyone is interested. I posted this in another thread, but thought it might get lost, so I'm re-posting here.


I found out from a friend at 4H that the United States Equestrian Federation has a High School Equestrian Athlete Program. It is an inexpensive way for your dc to keep track of their riding and earn a high school letter for riding as a sport. My friend's dd goes to public school but wants to ride instead of playing the usual sports. They are using this program so they can use riding on her high school transcript.


The requirements don't seem too difficult. Dc keeps a record of time spent riding and has to attend 3 shows per year. From what I read, the shows can be extremely small and held by almost any group. They need not be approved by the USEF. My Dc may be using this....depends on whether or not we can find shows that are inexpensive and don't consume our entire weekend! Here's a link for those who are interested...



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Thanks for the link.

Not having grown up in the US, I do not know what "a high school letter" for riding means - would somebody please explain? Thanks.


You get a letter in high school for playing a varsity sport, or sometimes for participating in an activity to a certain degree (I got mine in theater, but to get it took 2 years, both acting and tech work, and a lot of hours). The letter is put on the front of your high school jacket, and is the first letter of your school usually. Mine was a big W for Westbrook. The jacket with the letter here is an example:http://www.logosoftwear.com/varsityjacket.php

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Thanks for the link.

Not having grown up in the US, I do not know what "a high school letter" for riding means - would somebody please explain? Thanks.


If you participate in a high school sport, such as baseball or basketball and you attend a certain amount of practices and a certain amount of games, at the end of the year you receive a certificate and a large felt letter in your school colors. My school's was an M in gold and black. They can be sewn onto jackets. It basically means you were a responsible dedicated athlete.

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If you participate in a high school sport, such as baseball or basketball and you attend a certain amount of practices and a certain amount of games, at the end of the year you receive a certificate and a large felt letter in your school colors. My school's was an M in gold and black. They can be sewn onto jackets. It basically means you were a responsible dedicated athlete.


Thanks for the explanation, shanvan and jujsky.

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Just an FYI - in the Dallas area there is a Cowboy Church that does shows monthly (at least they did) and were $25/show. It was little but dd did several shows with them when we lived in the area. It was good practice and not high pressure. So, you might check that avenue out.

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I'm surprised that you have to have certain documentation. When my rider daughter was homeschooled, we just wrote on our thing (I can't even remember what it's called anymore!) that she rides at least 5 times per week. As for the USEF program you're talking about...i called about that recently and i was under the impression that the shows had to be USEF rated and there were other more strict qualifications that needed to be followed. i wonder if it's the same program. I'll have to check again! Thanks!

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I'm surprised that you have to have certain documentation. When my rider daughter was homeschooled, we just wrote on our thing (I can't even remember what it's called anymore!) that she rides at least 5 times per week. As for the USEF program you're talking about...i called about that recently and i was under the impression that the shows had to be USEF rated and there were other more strict qualifications that needed to be followed. i wonder if it's the same program. I'll have to check again! Thanks!


Yes, you can list riding on your child's transcript without using this program. It looks more like an official high school sport if you use the program and some colleges may prefer to see some sort of recognition for it as a sport. Otherwise, they may see it more as PE. This program helps give validation to riding as a high school sport/extracurricular --especially for those who are not part of a 4H club. 4H involvement gives you an extracurricular to add to your transcript. If you don't have a club nearby, or don't like the clubs available in your area, or they don't fit with your schedule, etc. then this gives you a way to show commitment to horseback riding as an extracurricular sport and you have an organization to back you up, not just mom said so. :lol:


About the shows, requirements don't seem strict to me. Here is a direct quote from the faq page.......


Q. What types of shows count towards the competition requirement?

Any show that is organized by a horse show organization or club will count towards the requirement. Example: USEF, AQHA, 4-H, Pony Club, IEA or any state or local horse association shows.

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