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Question for those that use Notability for School

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I check things right away. If they were older I would probably have them e-mail it to me.


Not intending to derail the conversation, but what other things are you (all) using it for?

We use Notability for Math Mammoth, Lively Latin, memory work, Adventure Tales of America student pages. That's all I can think of right now but there may be more. We use it quite a bit.

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I also correct right away because my daughter is only 6 and needs immediate feedback. As she gets older she'll probably get her own iPad and use email or dropbox to send them to me.


I scan our math worksheets and we do them on the iPad about half of the time. I will probably eventually start KISS grammar (we're doing FLL and MCT already so I had to resist the urge to add something else!). We have Andrew Cambell's memory book from Lulu. I use PDF expert to split it into weekly lessons which we do from the iPad. We listen to our Latin chants, Geography Songs and Song School Greek on there. I have my teacher's manuals for FLL and WWE in iBooks and when we finish the current levels will probably get the next student books in PDF also. I also have various for fun supplemental studies from Currclick that she does at her leisure. She watched the Brain Pop video of the day and does the quiz daily.


We also have lots of educational apps but there have been tons of other threads about that so I won't list those.

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