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HCG diet: Those who have done it

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Did you worry that there would be any diseases in the pharmaceutical grade drops? My naturopath said he wouldn't do hcg, because of the risk of contaminates. My cousin has been getting it overseas since 2007 and has had no problems. It is pharmaceutical grade, and it is distilled from the urine of pregnant women, but is comletely processed and sterilized. What do you know and think about this?

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Did you worry that there would be any diseases in the pharmaceutical grade drops? My naturopath said he wouldn't do hcg, because of the risk of contaminates. My cousin has been getting it overseas since 2007 and has had no problems. It is pharmaceutical grade, and it is distilled from the urine of pregnant women, but is comletely processed and sterilized. What do you know and think about this?


I have no idea about how the stuff is produced, but doesn't the bolded give you pause?


If a person has been using a weight loss remedy since 2007 how is it a remedy? Wouldn't a person be long past cured, now that it's 2012?

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HCG is an aide to help you lose weight quickly.


I lost 25+ pounds with it last April (28 day plan). I was EXTREMELY skeptical before I tried it... weight came off quickly and I was NOT hungry or tired or GRUMPY like I was on other diets I tried in the past.


HCG does NOT 'cure' obesity or weight gain... as far as I know no one has claimed that!


The only way to maintain weight loss is to CHANGE eating habits and or exercise habits.


HCG rapid weight loss is a GREAT motivator-- after you loose 25 pounds you feel SO MUCH BETTER and you have a better outlook-- so it is easier to eat healthier and exercise more (moving around is just plain easier!).


If you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle after using HCG you WILL gain the weight back.


I have re-injured my back-- and will be looking at another surgery in the near future... chronic pain (no meds can help this without completely knocking me out!) makes me munchy-- makes my tummy upset so I've gained back about 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks since my latest injury...


I'll be going on the HCG plan again in the next week or so -- the weight loss will HELP with my pain and mobility while I'm waiting for surgery to fix the issue. I'm also eating with more awareness knowing that my munchies are just compounding the issue...

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HCG is an aide to help you lose weight quickly.

I lost 25+ pounds with it last April (28 day plan). I was EXTREMELY skeptical before I tried it... weight came off quickly and I was NOT hungry or tired or GRUMPY like I was on other diets I tried in the past.

Jann, very well said (in fact, your whole post is great). This was my experience also. I lost lots of weight very successfully on it last year. This time around, I'm having a harder time, but the weight is still coming off. Like you, I was also very, very skeptical. Always been anti-diets. Nothing seemed to work until I tried hcg.


HCG does NOT 'cure' obesity or weight gain... as far as I know no one has claimed that!

The only way to maintain weight loss is to CHANGE eating habits and or exercise habits.

If you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle after using HCG you WILL gain the weight back.

Yes, very true.

If a person does not go on P3 and P4, the weight will come back on. It's just like any other diet in that respect.


Jann, sending you all the best with your next round very soon. :)

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If a person has been using a weight loss remedy since 2007 how is it a remedy? Wouldn't a person be long past cured, now that it's 2012?


I went on the diet in Sept 2009. My mother followed me that Dec. She lost all her weight and has kept it off. She has done a couple maintenance rounds, 3 weeks each, since she got to her goal weight. Cured? nah. hCG still a remedy? Yes.


Jann, well, Kevin Trudeau did call it a "weight loss cure." Of course, he really isn't someone to listen to.

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Cured? nah. hCG still a remedy? Yes.


:iagree: with all this.

I don't see weight struggles, at least mine anyway, as ever being cured. My weight struggles will be with me as long as I continue breathing. I have come to accept it.

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I'm no expert on Rx hcg. Only tried hhcg (homeopathic). In all my research, I've never, ever heard of such a thing. I don't believe it at all and think it's funny that anyone would.

These hcg forums are very helpful.


Can I ask, which brand did you use? I am absolutely fed up. I work out a TON. I eat very well. I absolutely cannot lose the last of the baby fat and I'm disgusted. I ended up getting sick a month or so ago and could not work out. I wasn't eating much and in the next month or so (we were also on vacation then), I gained 5 pounds. I really need more motivation and would love to try the HCG homeopathic.



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Can I ask, which brand did you use? I am absolutely fed up. I work out a TON. I eat very well. I absolutely cannot lose the last of the baby fat and I'm disgusted. I ended up getting sick a month or so ago and could not work out. I wasn't eating much and in the next month or so (we were also on vacation then), I gained 5 pounds. I really need more motivation and would love to try the HCG homeopathic.


Jennifer, although more expensive, this brand is by far my favorite. Rebekah's Pure Living was okay, but the one I linked has been the best so far, at least for me anyway.

If you do decide on the hcg route, read, read, read ... be well prepared, and, most importantly, time it for a relatively stress-free/not-too-crazy time of your life - no big moves, vacations, big events, etc.

Do not workout excessively while on hcg. Most workout very little, if at all.

If you need more info, do a search here, or I can also copy and paste my info. Maybe it will motivate me. I would love to lose at least 7-10 pounds. Keeping the weight off is the hardest part for me. :glare:

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I use this product http://www.thetree4life.com/


I've lost 50 pounds. The only time I was hungry was when I cheated and ate something with white sugar in it.


I'm very happy with it. I've gone from a size 26 to an 18 and I'm on my way to a 16. I haven't been this size in approx. 16 years. Hubby is happy too. I really should do some before and after pictures on my blog!

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