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Which Spelling?


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Not many people here use Spelling Power, but I am very happy with it. It takes five minutes of my time per child. The child does additional practice exercises by himself.


I think it is good for a natural speller in that it has word lists up through high school level. There is a placement test which tells you where to start in the program. With Spelling Power, you don't have to decide which level to buy because there is only one book which you can use for all of your kids from first grade through high school.


We use a white board for the spelling tests. Wrong answers can be immediately and easily corrected. That may be easier on the mind for a kid who doesn't like to make mistakes.


Just an idea...

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I agree with the other posters re: Spelling Workout. We started the year with Spelling Power and my DS had a meltdown every time he misspelled a word. HE is a natural speller and rarely missed words, but when he did he would completely lose it b/c missing a word means having to do the extra practice exercises. We just switched to Spelling Workout and he completed the first four lessons last week. :001_smile:

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With a natural speller, you don't really need a curriculum. You should consider training your child out of the bad attitude re: wrong answers as a first step, and then just locate some spelling lists and go through them quickly. You can also train your child to pick up spellings even more easily as he/she reads, and do spelling work rarely if at all.

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Spelling Workout



:iagree: This is a solid spelling program, not teacher intensive, and very inexpensive.(you don't need the teacher's edition) When used it, we did one less per week:1 or 2pages a day 4xper week with a test on that weeks words. It is perfect for a natural speller, not so great for kids who are dyselxic.

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