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I think I may need medication to make it through handwriting today. And the next day, and the next . . .


How to explain this to the doctor? :tongue_smilie:


Why do they have to stop in the middle of writing a word to talk about some inane thing? Why do they make the letters slant the wrong way after hundreds of pages of practicing the right way? Why does it look like a muddy chicken has tapped danced across the page instead of actual writing! :banghead: (although I think a pulling-out-one's hair smiley would be more appropriate!)

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Oh I feel your pain (and mine is only 6!!! :tongue_smilie:). I just have to laugh about stopping in the middle of a word to talk about something completely random. Oh yes, I feel your pain. I've calmed myself down enough to not care so much about handwriting. For now, so long as it's more legible than his daddy's, I'm not going to care :lol:.

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Handwriting is our most frustrating subject, too. It's the only subject I do sticker charts with. Every 5 completed lessons gets a pick out of the "surprise box'' that's been loaded with dollar store things. When it was at it's worse, I also gave fruit snacks at the end of the lesson, to make it go a bit faster. Thankfully, it's not quite that bad now.


I feel your pain :grouphug:

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I have 1 who LOVES to write! Does a beautiful job and even asks to do a day ahead somedays.


I have another who will cry, whimper, fuss, and moan the WHOLE time and then even still BEGS for me to atleast write ONE word in her dictation. I refuse and then at the end she sits for several minutes with an attitude filled looked on her face and says "will you atleast please write the period"?! I just about die with laughter :lol: and smiley sweetly and answer...


"No it's your school work, not mama's!" Then hug and squeeze on her with lots of PRAISE for her job well done and move on! :) Drama event over, moving on to the next subject. :p



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I think I may need medication to make it through handwriting today. And the next day, and the next . . .


How to explain this to the doctor? :tongue_smilie:


Why do they have to stop in the middle of writing a word to talk about some inane thing? Why do they make the letters slant the wrong way after hundreds of pages of practicing the right way? Why does it look like a muddy chicken has tapped danced across the page instead of actual writing! :banghead: (although I think a pulling-out-one's hair smiley would be more appropriate!)



I don't know but I do know what all the above feels like. URGH..Today I seriously started looking into sending ds#1 to ps.

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This made my day, someone else dealing with OUR issues! Just this morning, I wondered what it is about writing something that brings out the "random, pointless comments".... I also wondered if I needed to suck it up and accept that, until the age of about 11, my kids handwriting is going to look like "heors he can'tre all y tell howtocorr ec tly space wordsinsentence s." :glare:


Your dr will know what you are talking about if they have kids. It's like this:


Step 1: Find a dr with kids.


Step 2: Tell the dr "I have kids", he will ask how many and what you do all day


Step 3: Dr will multiply the number of kids by mgs, then divide that figure by how much time you spend around them. This allows him to figure out how much to give.


Step 4: Go fill the prescription and happily swallow one of your new :chillpill:


Can you tell the kind of day I've had?

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This made my day, someone else dealing with OUR issues! Just this morning, I wondered what it is about writing something that brings out the "random, pointless comments".... I also wondered if I needed to suck it up and accept that, until the age of about 11, my kids handwriting is going to look like "heors he can'tre all y tell howtocorr ec tly space wordsinsentence s." :glare:


Your dr will know what you are talking about if they have kids. It's like this:


Step 1: Find a dr with kids.


Step 2: Tell the dr "I have kids", he will ask how many and what you do all day


Step 3: Dr will multiply the number of kids by mgs, then divide that figure by how much time you spend around them. This allows him to figure out how much to give.


Step 4: Go fill the prescription and happily swallow one of your new :chillpill:


Can you tell the kind of day I've had?





I wish I could go to my kids' pediatrician. I've seen him at the grocery store with HIS kids, and I know he'd understand!

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