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Quick! Wii Fit Owners: Good Father's Day gift?

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I found a Wii Fit and it's being held for me. I know I want one, I know the boys would enjoy it, and I think dh would (we all love Wii Sports).


I was thinking about getting it for dh for a late anniversary/Father's Day gift. But I can't tell if I'm being selfish (because I want one so bad!).


Tell me--do men like this thing?

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I don't have much of a chance to use ours because my dh likes it so. He was heading out for a run this morning when the rain started. He used the Wii Fit instead and commented several times what a nice workout he had. He lifts weights three to four times a week and runs four to five times a week. He likes the change of pace from his usual workouts. My boys (9, 7, and 2) like it very much too.


I say go for it, and schedule some time to use it yourself!

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I just got one last week! The kids love it and I use it as an incentive/punishment for them. I have been hogging it, but my dh did try it the other day and really liked it. I know he could easily become addicted, he's constantly playing little games on his phone (drives me NUTS) but I figure if he becomes addicted to this, at least he'll be (hopefully) fit.



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No, that sounds like a terrible Father's Day gift.


Let me help you out of this mess.



I will send you a check and you can go pick up the Wii Fit and send it to me.




Can you tell that my fair city does not seem to have any Wii Fit components anywhere?:smash:




Okay, it actually sounds like a fantastic Father's Day gift.

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I got it--at Kmart of all places. The store that never has anything had the only Wii Fit left in the city, I think.


As we were going to get it the boys told me dh had been talking to his 30 year old nephew about them and the boys are convinced he said he wanted one.


It did end up costing me $150 more than I planned, though. I got a ticket while we were out :crying:.

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