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My big blessing/find of the day

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We have been going to a new church for several months now. The church used to house a Christian school (K-8) but when the church fell into some huge financial problems and was filing bankruptcy, everything was just left there. Classrooms FULL of stuff...curriculum, manipulatives, teacher planning materials, etc. My husband took over the kid's ministry at the church and has been cleaning out the space that is to be used for our Kids Church. Last time he was there, he found several copies of Rosetta Stone Spanish 1 and 2. I texted our pastor's wife and asked if we could borrow it and she said we could have whatever we wanted! :D I am so happy. Rosetta Stone was never something we could afford for my kids so this is a huge blessing for us! 2 years of a foreign language...free. And she said I could have a look at whatever else is there when I go to worship rehearsal on Wednesday! :D

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