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Sixth Grade Plans/Schedules

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Ds11 will be doing:

Math--SM 6

Language Arts--MCTLA Voyage level, plus (we hope) outsourced class in WWS 2 beta

Spelling--Everyday Spelling 6

Literature--Lightning Lit 7? (still thinking about this one)

History--All American History I

Science--Oak Meadow Life Science, plus outsourced class in Physical Science

Latin--finish FFL and begin SFL

Religion--The Incarnate God


Misc.--co-op choir, co-op art, quiz bowl practice, quiz bowls, piano lessons

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Handwriting: Pentime 6

Spelling:Calvert Spelling 6

Writing: IEW

Vocabulary: CE

Poetics: A World of Poetry

Grammar: Winston Grammar & Galore Park English

History/Geo & Lit: Sonlight Core F & Current Events Magazine

Math: finish TT6 and start TT7

Science: The Private Eye & ???

Latin: Latin Prep 1

Health: Current Health Magazine

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For my rising 6th grader:


History, Bible, Literature - MFW Creation to Greeks

Language Arts - Finish up R&S 5 and then start R&S 6; WWS; Essentials in Writing; Vocabulary from Classical Roots; English from the Roots Up

Math - Horizons 6 and Horizons Pre-Algebra or Lial's BCM (Still undecided)

Science - Zoology

Latin - at co-op

Art - at co-op

Geography (2nd Semester) - Mapping the World with Art, at co-op

Elections (1st Semester) - at co-op, but will be supplementing with Notgrass' Elections in America

Drama (2nd Semester) - at co-op

Intro to Public Speaking (1st Semester) - at co-op

Edited by mereminerals
spelling error
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We're in the midst of a move and it's messing up all my homeschool ordering...plus some of this we've already started. We've always been offset by about half a year with Language Arts, and we're headed that way with math, too.


Language Arts: Michael Clay Thompson, Voyage and Level 4, Time Trilogy, Jefferson's Truths, further assigned reading (I'll post a list when it's finished)

Math: AoPS Pre-Algebra

Latin: BBoLL2 (cont.)

Greek: Review Greek for Children, begin Athenaze

Spelling Workout


History: Oxford World in Medieval Times (...and lots of civics, since it's an election year. Last time we went door to door and worked at the local headquarters for our candidate. Whatever your political leanings, I highly recommend it. My kids were fascinated by stuff they'd have found stultifying if it had been part of a formal curriculum.)

Science: Earth Science, though I'm still torn on curriculum. Classiquest if it comes out? We'll also continue with Lego Robotics.

We've not done much of The Snake and Fox, so we'll continue that.

Religion: Comparative world religions. This year, we've done a fair amount of Bible study and some Torah. Next, we'll do some Qur'an, more on Buddhism. And the Middle Ages year is when we really get going with UU History.


Part of me would LOVE to get back to Living Math, but I'm just not sure we can fit it in. If the library system in our new town is up to snuff, maybe.

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Here are our 6th grade plans for 2012/13:


Math- Rightstart Geometry/ Videotext Module A

Language Arts- Total Language Plus/ WWS

History- SOTW 2 w/ readings from Kingfisher

Science- Nancy Larson Science 3

PE- Family Time Fitness

Fine Arts- Guitar

Spanish- Tell Me More

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For my 11 yo 6th grader:


Math: SM CWP 5 and Intensive Practice books for 5 & 6 as review. TT 7 for practice. Daily drill and AoPS Pre-Algebra. Hands on Equations.


Science: SL Science E, Make: Electronics, RS4K Physics 1, Milestones in Science, everything on Physics, Astronomy, and Engineering that I can dig up. GEMS Learning About Learning and Messages From Space.


Geography: Runkle, Mapping the World With Art, SL mapwork.


Literature and History: SL Core G and into H. Teaching the Classics, a huge list of good books to read together and independently.


Latin: Lively Latin


Spelling: AAS and LOE


Greek: Ancient Greek together


French: TPR French and Chardenal


Writing: Classical Writing Homer, WWS, IEW monthly projects together from science or history, The Creative Writer


Grammar: Finish JAG, Winston Grammar, Killgallon


Art: Artistic Pursuits, Mark Kistler online, Meet the Masters


Poetry: MCT Building Poems, possibly CW Poetry


Logic/Philosophy: Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery, assorted logic books, Crossing the River with Dogs,


Archtecture (elective): The Annotated Arch, Architecture is Elementary, Child's History of Art: Architecture


I think I'm forgetting something...

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This is my plan for my rising 6th grader:

TT6 (finish, and start TT 7)

SOTW3 along with Kingfisher

Formal outlining practice

Memoria Press Literature and guides from grade 6

Red Herrings Logic

The Language Mechanic

Spelling Workout F

French 1

Mavis Beacon Typing for Kids (wants to start this summer)

Real Science 4 Kids Physics plus Mythbusters

Choir at church



Also we have a bible study for families at our church on Mondays that she will participate in this year. We are celebrating our last day of school today and will pick up where we left off in July. When we start again it will be summer olympics so we may delay the start of science while we spend time watching the olympics.


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I'm considering a somewhat relaxed Ambleside Online for 6th Grade. I've been playing around with schedules to see if it looks manageable. Ds seems into it. I still have all the books from when dd used them, so I figured why not. Here's what I'm thinking:


Spelling & Grammar: Spelling Skills 6, Simply Grammar

Math: TT7, Khan Academy, and then some Math Skills 6 (Harcourt) for extra practice

History: Continuing with 1700s-1800s America: This Country of Ours, George Washington's World, Poor Richard, Abigail Adams. Mapwork & timeline

Geography: Minn of the Mississippi

Science: Nature Study (Outdoor Power Hour blog, Handbook of Nature Study), The Storybook of Science, Physics Lab in the Home

Spanish: maybe. If so, we'll continue with DK Language Learner and LiveMocha

Literature: Age of Fable, Robinson Crusoe, Kidnapped, The Incredible Journey, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Paul Revere's Ride, Rip Van Winkle, The Chronicles of Narnia books, The Borrowers, Tom Sawyer, Shakespeare, & Plutarch's Lives

Composer Study: Using the AO schedule

Poetry: Using the AO schedule

Art: Artistic Pursuits


Also, weekly field trips, choir, & CCD


I'm sure we'll thin things out as we go.

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We still haven't finalized our plans, but this is what it is looking like so far:


Math: AOPS prealgebra

Spelling: Spelling power

Grammar: Growing With Grammar 6

Literature: Lightning Lit 7

Writing: not sure, maybe at coop, but definitely NANOWRIMO

History: K12 Human Odyssey Vol 1 plus SOTW I, plus National History Day

Science: Exploration Education's Physical Science, plus maybe a science fair project

Spanish: Combination of Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Breaking the Barrier

Art: not sure

Music: band at public school, orchestra, private lessons

Other: robotics, swim team, baseball, coop classes


Edited to add Spanish

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