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Hello! I am introducing myself before I begin posting away:) I am Paula, SAHM and HS mom to 3 (ages 5, 3, 2). I just found this message board, and have enjoyed reading the posts on curriculum choices.


I am using...or preparing to use...Miquon Math and SWR.


I have been debating whether or not to do a 4yr or 6yr rotation through history (glad I have another year before I HAVE to decide that one:lol:), and am looking at Apologia Science for elementary grades.


For Kindy, we are just reading, playing outside, and *trying* to learn how to write our numbers and letters. We also do Kumon workbooks while the littles are napping.


p.s. I'm glad I found a place where I'm not the only "planner" who dreams of curriculum in her sleep:blushing:

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Those early years of planning are so exciting...I remember coming on the boards 2 years ago and lurking endlessly.




1. Enjoy the early years - there is so much to explore, don't get hung up on academics and curriculum (I heard this many, many times here, and have only partly heeded the wisdom - I keep trying). Go to the duck pond, do lots of field trips, paint, play games. Monopoly teaches a lot of math, really. And the kiddos can have fun beating mom.


2. Re: 4 vs. 6-year rotation...if you choose 4 year, do not get engrossed in Ancient Egypt. Do not, do not. Or Ancient China. Or you will be replanning to a 6-year rotation before you finish Ancients (ask me how I know:)).


Best wishes!

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Welcome! I envy you just starting out with a resource as great as this. I just discovered this board myself and wish I knew about it years ago! I am homeschooling my 3 dc, grades 1,5, and 7. I'm planning some big changes for next year...I better brace myself for some strong reistence!!:) Good luck to you!!


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