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Calling Lady Dr. Hive (a way TMI thread)

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I am having what is without a doubt the most painful AF of my life. It started during the night on Friday, right on time. I woke up in pain as severe as early labor. I never have painful periods. I took 800mg Advil and about an hour later, was feeling pretty good. I thought the worst had passed.


Boy, was I wrong. About 4 hours later, the pain returned with a vengeance. These aren't cramps, either. It's like an intense feeling of pressure and "fullness, a few inches directly above my p*bic bone. :confused: The pain is so strong that I've gotten nauseated and nearly thrown up a few times. I took another 800mg Advil, but it hasn't gone away the way it did at first. Now it's really bad, sudden pains off and on at what seem like random points during the day. It's 10x worse for a few minutes after I pee.


At first, I thought I'd never felt anything quite like this before, and then I realized that I had. WARNING....WAY WAY TMI TO FOLLOW



5 years ago, when I was about a day PP from giving birth to my 2nd child, I was in so much pain that I called my OB and was on the phone with the nurse when I passed a huge clot the size of my thumb. I instantly felt relief, and the nurse said that was probably what was causing me pain. Could this be another clot? But why would that be an issue now? I'm not pregnant, nor have I been in 3 years! I haven't had any cramps this time, and the flow has been normal to light normal, I'd say.



If that's probably not it, what else could be causing this pain? It's so abnormal for me that it's kind of freaking me out. Could this just be a change because of my age (just turned 36)?


Do I just grit my teeth and get through this and see if next month is better, and this is just some kind of awful fluke? I don't have a regular doctor, as we just got insurance after having none for several years. I haven't seen my OB-GYN since my youngest was born. I'm not the sort to run to the doctor for every little thing, so I'm a rotten judge of when it's worthy, at least for myself.

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I wish I had a dollar for every "just" in those last two paragraphs! LOL


Apryl, that is very scary. I haven't googled, because you know how that just magnifies any fears you have....


Wouldn't something that serious cause ongoing, rather than intermittent pain? IDK. Based on my sadly rudimentary knowledge of my own anatomy, I *think* the pain is where my uterus is (or should be).


cin, I forgot to mention that I have never had any issues with clots since that night PP. Can a problem like that suddenly crop up?


I hate feeling like I don't know what's going on with my body. If I'm still hurting tomorrow, I'll definitely be calling the doc. Maybe my old GYN can still see me.

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Well...I had symptoms exactly like what you're describing.

In my case, I went to the doctor and they took an xray that showed an "obstruction". I had been in the bathroom regularly, but they sent me home with a stool softener anyway. Lo and behold, it worked, and my pain was gone! No, I wouldn't have said I was constipated *at all*. But still, that was the fix. I've never had it again. May not be your problem, but I thought I'd mention it, since I'd never have guessed that was my problem either.

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I wish I had a dollar for every "just" in those last two paragraphs! LOL


Apryl, that is very scary. I haven't googled, because you know how that just magnifies any fears you have....


Wouldn't something that serious cause ongoing, rather than intermittent pain? IDK. Based on my sadly rudimentary knowledge of my own anatomy, I *think* the pain is where my uterus is (or should be).




For dh, it was intermittent at first. He thought it was his bladder at one point. It was right behind his pubic bone as well. Chances are that isn't what it is...but there are so many things it could be that I wouldn't wait and see for too long.

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