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I tried schooling in afternoon today!

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It went great! I could NOT believe how well it went *especially* since my kids had a month off school work, so they were totally out of practice, and using all new materials, and I was "out of sync" getting used to the new materials, and organization.


My ds 6 did fantastic. He looked tired before we started (playing all morning, chores and2 hours at pool and in heat) but he did so great. He did not have problems focusing at all and was far less fidgety.



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We do this sometimes. My youngest (3) is not a morning person and would rather do his abc's and such in the evenings. As my oldest likes to get stuff done now, so he has the rest of his day. Except for reading and such he prefers later on to do that.

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We've been afternoon schoolers since Jan. It works so much better for us. The kids get all the wiggles out before we start and then it's down to business during lesson times, so we get done faster with better results.


Congrats on your good afternoon!

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Doesn't work well for us, if I don't catch ds early, I just don't catch him. Although there have been a couple of days this year when he had the chance to work and he agreed to do school when he got home and he did fine. Money is a powerful motivator to a teen ager.:D

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My oldest has been asking to do this for a year. I put her off because I figured she would be less apt to pay attention in the afternoons. After hearing it works so well I just might give it a try. :o) Glad it went good for you!

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there were two main reasons I decided to try it (For the Record, I don't consider one day to be enough of a test drive to call it a success...four days would probably make my mind up though)


Anyway, the first is because where I live, the thunderstorms come in the afternoon. therefore, if we school in the morning, then we get stuck inside and miss pool/play time. THat *really stinks.*


Second, is that a month ago before we took our one month break, my son was absolutely impossible. He was fidgety, all over his seat, dropping everything, looking at what dd was doing, dishonoring me and earning spankings by laughing/making fun of/purposefully ignoring me...


My son is mild asperger's but he doesn't have ADD. Really, he had been focused, attentive and obedient during lessons since he was 4.5.


So I decided, other than a few good spankings, pep talks, and Good Kid Coupons when he did well...he needed MORE EXERCISE previous to the lessons.


We'll see how it goes the rest of the week but so far I am highly encouraged.

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