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CLE math users, advice!


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This is our 3rd year using CLE math, and I love it. I have absolutely no complaints. DD is doing great on the tests, and she seems to understand it.


My original plan was to switch over to Saxon for 4/5. DD is now in 3rd grade, and I am realizing that could be next year. I would really rather just stick with CLE, but I'm hesitant because of MY own abilities.


Here's the thing, the CLE TM doesn't offer much help or advice. DD has had a couple of issues this year that I have somehow managed to explain. I had to either go online and figure it out, or go ask my DH how he would explain it. The TM offered absolutely no help. Math is not my strong suit, and neither is explaining things!


I'm wondering if we need something more like BJU online, or those DIVE cd's I have read about. Something where a teacher teaches an actual lesson, and there is more to the TM. Maybe all we need is just something like Saxon that has a better TM?


Does anyone have any thoughts? I'm just a little concerned that there are going to be more things I struggle to explain(and understand) as the math gets harder.


Should I just stick with CLE math until she starts bombing tests, or should I try to find something for next year that explains things better and offers more support to the teacher?

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I would stick it out. We are in 500 and haven't had much problem. If you find something she does not understand, come here and ask the Hive. We will always help out.

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I'd stick with CLE if it is working, even if there are a few bumps. As you get into the higher levels the TM does contain quite a bit more explanation and you could always come here or other math sites to get teaching tips. I always liked Saxon 5/4 but I like CLE even more. My kids hated to copy all the problems, and the lightunits broke the work into manageable parts.

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Thanks for the thoughts!


It's good to hear maybe there is more explaining in the TM's as you go higher up. I will look into buying that book as well. I just want to leave well enough alone, but I also don't want things snowballing out of control at some point :lol:!


(Veritaserum-LOVE the avatar ;)!!!)

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Stay with CLE through 700 and then go into algebra in 8th grade.


We're in the transition phase of doing this (we did not hs from the start and it took me a while to figure out what worked). I may still get some CLE 800 for the consumer math portion of it, but use it on the side.


IMHO, if you have something that works, you're happy with it and it can provide consistency throughout the schooling, I would stick with it. ITA that you could get help here with the problems that you need it with.

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I have a question then in relation to this as I could have written this post.


Will a non mathy mom understand the book Knowing and Teaching Mathematics by Liping Ma? Is it technical?


I think so. Here's a preview on Google Books:



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I understand exactly where you are coming from. I had originally planned on switching DS over to Saxon around 6/5 or 7/6 just so we could use the Saxon Teacher cd's. However, I really want to stick with CLE as long as we can. DS does really well with it and I am definitely in the camp of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." So we'll just have to play it by ear and see how it goes. I would love to stick with CLE until Alg 1 or at least 1/2.

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Stick with it. I'm not sure if the manuals explain more in the upper grades. My oldest is doing 700 and I'm not finding maybe enough explanation to my liking. But there is the computer and you can look topics up on Khan Academy and Hippo Campus. CLE works for us and I don't really want to switch. My oldest did a year of Saxon last year for 7/6 and she hated every moment of it. But then she's in the mastery math camp really. I have her doing CLE because she really needs it right now because she just was at a standstill. I'm noticing improvement so CLE is what we're going to stay with. I plan on having her use it as long as we can. I know CLE will eventually go up to Geometry but I don't think they'll have that out by the time we need it. Or maybe they will. Either way we're going to use it as far as we can.


I get stumped from time to time. But we do get it figured out and my daughter isn't any worse for wear.

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