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would you ever consider NOT homeschooling because you're outta space?

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that's kind of where we're at right now. Our home has been outgrown and our efforts to upgrade to a bigger space have been fruitless for months. We're kind of wondering, because there has been no progress, if God is telling us not to move.


Anyway, even with all the stuff we have in storage outta the house our home still feels small. But if we weren't living here 24/7 it would be doeable. I've told hubby that it just seems that homeschooling is getting in the way of life at this house.


The constant shuffle of books and papers throughout the day is exhausting.


We're getting the basics done just fine. But I feel like the extras that I want to teach my kids like sewing, electronics, etc just have to sit on the sidelines because we just barely get started and then we have to put things away because the table has to be used for meal time. Instead we rely on the TV and computer to fill their inbetween school time (I hate this!)


Maybe we should just stop eating!!! I'm not a particular housewife that has to keep things uber clean. But it's the constantly having to move something to get to or to do something else that is wearing.


We get tons of showings, in fact poor dh has 4 the first weekend I was in the hospital. We've had the house off the market for a couple weeks so I can

heal--can't push the mop or vaccum cleaner yet. But Thursday we're relisting it. We have to continue to move forward because we did put a deposit down

on a home we're planning to build. The builder is willing to wait for us to sell.


Because most of our stress in this house revolves around homeschooling we seriously wondering if God is telling us to quit--this is something that is sooo not in our hearts. We always felt that homeschooling was a priority. It's so hard to think that perhaps for some reason God is telling us to stop.

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that's kind of where we're at right now. Our home has been outgrown and our efforts to upgrade to a bigger space have been fruitless for months. We're kind of wondering, because there has been no progress, if God is telling us not to move.


Anyway, even with all the stuff we have in storage outta the house our home still feels small. But if we weren't living here 24/7 it would be doeable. I've told hubby that it just seems that homeschooling is getting in the way of life at this house.


The constant shuffle of books and papers throughout the day is exhausting.


We're getting the basics done just fine. But I feel like the extras that I want to teach my kids like sewing, electronics, etc just have to sit on the sidelines because we just barely get started and then we have to put things away because the table has to be used for meal time. Instead we rely on the TV and computer to fill their inbetween school time (I hate this!)


Maybe we should just stop eating!!! I'm not a particular housewife that has to keep things uber clean. But it's the constantly having to move something to get to or to do something else that is wearing.


We get tons of showings, in fact poor dh has 4 the first weekend I was in the hospital. We've had the house off the market for a couple weeks so I can

heal--can't push the mop or vaccum cleaner yet. But Thursday we're relisting it. We have to continue to move forward because we did put a deposit down

on a home we're planning to build. The builder is willing to wait for us to sell.


Because most of our stress in this house revolves around homeschooling we seriously wondering if God is telling us to quit--this is something that is sooo not in our hearts. We always felt that homeschooling was a priority. It's so hard to think that perhaps for some reason God is telling us to stop.


You have to seriously consider the pros and cons of quitting hsing. I wouldn't consider it direction from the Lord to quit over your space issues. You may be getting the proverbial cart before the horse. Few people understand the pressure a hsing family faces when trying to market a home they're living in. It is brutal! BUT it is temporary.


I don't have any solutions for you, but as a Christian woman who believes that God can and does impress His direction on us that He doesn't use confusion to do it.

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Our house was 1000 square feet of falling-down shack, and we had 5 kids to homeschool. As much as I sympathize with you, I would never quit homeschooling because of lack of space. Even though we are now in a really big house, my kids still keep their books in one square bucket each. Those buckets can be stowed anywhere when not used. I insist that all of the things the kids aren't using stay in the buckets. This cuts down on the clutter immensely! One other thing that I did for a while was homeschool at the library or in the park. Each kid just carried their bucket to the car, and then we were *very* portable! Actually, I found that we were much more focused when we did school at the library, and the park homeschooling days were filled with activity and were pretty much unforgettable. We even homeschooled in our church building when it was empty during the week for a while. Also, I wouldn't worry about all the extras that you're not getting done. There are seasons for those things, and maybe now just isn't your season!

Since you said that homeschooling was a priority for you, I'm encouraging you to stick with it.


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I don't think I would quit homeschooling, but I would make some adjustments. Doing the basics is fine. Sewing and electronics can wait since you are planning on moving. Can you do school out of the house - say the library - for a couple hours a day? When we had a house on the market, I found that the best way to keep the house clean and tidy was to not be there. We could put all our homeschooling supplies we would need for that time into a rolling cart and head off to the library. Also, we would do more outside activities, such as classes, co-ops, etc.


Another thing that helps with tidiness for us (not something we are good at) is that each child has a bin that they work from. Almost all the things they need are in a sturdy rectangular basket. Also, instead of individual notebooks, we work form a single binder with tabs for each subject. At then end of the week (in theory), they empty the binder into their individual notebooks.



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The constant shuffle of books and papers throughout the day is exhausting.


We're getting the basics done just fine. But I feel like the extras that I want to teach my kids like sewing, electronics, etc just have to sit on the sidelines because we just barely get started and then we have to put things away because the table has to be used for meal time. Instead we rely on the TV and computer to fill their inbetween school time (I hate this!) .....



Hugs for CalicoKat!

It sounds like you are under just a bit of stress right now! But I can't imagine how trying to incorporate three small children into school in the middle of the year would somehow ease the situation!


The others have given you some good tips on organization. Since you do really wish to continue with homeschooling, and would suggest scaling things down to the basics, doing as much as you can orally, gathering on the couch for read alouds. Sewing and electronics are great, but they can wait til you are in a larger space.


This too shall pass! {{{CalicoKat}}}

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While I wouldnt quite homeschooling for lack of space, I HAVE thought about it recently. In fact, I could have written portions of your post (minus moving challenges). Our books are overflowing. We really need more shelves and more closet space. I really need dh to clean out our storage room in the basement to make room for junk we have upstairs that doesn't need to be there. We are committed to hsing for so many reasons, but recently (not sure if you read my post about dc respecting us as their teachers or not), I've been wondering whether I should continue for my own sanity. Try the organization tips others listed. Do your dc have space in their rooms to store their own books? My dd11 keeps her books in her room. I'm just at a loss as to what to do with the markers, pencils, pens, crayons that seem to end up all over the place even though each dc has their own supply box! I'm ready to ditch the supply boxes and just find other homes for those supplies. Anyway, you're not alone. Chin up...I've been told it won't always be this difficult!

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we've had our home on the market for 6 months now. Most weeks there have been 2-4 showings.


It is brutal and not so temporary.


You have to seriously consider the pros and cons of quitting hsing. I wouldn't consider it direction from the Lord to quit over your space issues. You may be getting the proverbial cart before the horse. Few people understand the pressure a hsing family faces when trying to market a home they're living in. It is brutal! BUT it is temporary.


I don't have any solutions for you, but as a Christian woman who believes that God can and does impress His direction on us that He doesn't use confusion to do it.

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probably a 3 bedroom apartment. :) But that truly will be OK because it is temporary and I won't have to worry about keeping it ready for a showing.


And I'm planning on moving us to an apartment complex that has a pool, preferably indoor. But as we get closer to summer it's not a problem if it's outdoors.


Our builder says they can build our house in 4 months. And our new neighbors up there say that they're very accurate in their estimations. I know it will probably be longer, but if the light is at the end of the tunnel it's easier, right?


Why don't you put the extras on hold until you get the house sold. Do the basics, so you can focus on just keeping things clean and de-cluttered. may I ask where you are planning to live between selling and building the new house?
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A lack of money and a desire to join the workforce is a legitiamte reason to quit. Finding your life is too hectic to do a good job and you're constantly fallig behind is a reason. I can see how space is so limitingthat it affects things but I would think it could be overcome.

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