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Planning for next year- whats next after SWB's Medieval World??

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For the third and fourth cycles, I've used Spielvogel's "Western Civilization" and Paul Johnson's "History of the American People" as spines, assigned to track together.


This does have the downside of ignoring the rest of the world, so I either assign supplementary reading or have them take classes in community college when available to round that out (and it's gratifying that they've been available once in awhile at our local cc).

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We're doing HOMW now, so it looks like vol. 3 won't be out before we need it. At least I'll get to use it with my younger kids. Thank you for all your hard work, Susan.


If the next volume is only going up to 1500, will this still be a four-volume series?


I'm reminded of something that Will Durant supposedly said to the effect that anything more recent than the last century is still current events.

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Not sure where to go next :confused: Any ideas??


It might be longer than you're looking for, but what about The Story of Civilization by Will & Ariel Durant? It is also quite readable and doesn't hesitate to show the human foibles of historical figures.


Selections from

Volume 4 - The Age of Faith

Volume 5 - The Renaissance

Volume 6 - The Reformation


Or Daniel Boorstin's books The Creators and The Discoverers (though this might not give the whole historical sweep you want).


The Western Heritage by Kagan was the book my dh used in his intro to history course in college. He has a masters degree in history and used historiography every day in his job. He has kept this book on hand as a reference for the kids as they get older. I would stay away from text only or brief editions as I think the illustrations and maps are very helpful. I wouldn't hesitate to use an older edition (until you get to much more recent history). I'm not sure what the difference between editions with volumes 1 & 2 and editions with volumes A & B. At least one editions had a teachers' edition labeled as for AP.

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