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Is state history required in Georgia? Does anyone not do any state history at all?


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I am by no means an expert, but I don't plan on doing any state history with my kids, unless we move to a state where it is required. Right now we are stationed overseas and don't really have a state to study. We move around so much that it would be pointless to study any 1 state. I was thinking about taking a couple of weeks in the summer and teaching the kids about the state they were born in (like a mini unit study type thing), but I'm not sure yet. If I did that we would have to study Georgia, New York, and eventually (when the baby is old enough) Hawaii. I just don't see state history as a big deal (especially when none of us have any type of loyalty/attachment to any state).

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GA does not otherwise require it of homeschoolers.

We're covering it this summer and next, just because it's kind of fun and goes well with our history focus. This past school year, we did prehistory - 1864, so this summer, we're using a book on colonial GA from National Geographic and part of Notgrass' GA hy. We'll pick up with the Civil War in HY in August. Since Georgia is full of Civil War history, we'll add in some local field trips.

Is we weren't doing American HY these 2 years, I don't know that we would do any GA HY.


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I actually am looking forward to doing GA state history... despite growing up in GA, I went to school across the state line in TN and had to sit through two different semesters (4th grade and then 8th grade) of TN state history. So I figure at least now I'll get a crack at my own state via the kids! :)


But, no, as far as I can tell, it's not specifically required.

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