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10 y.o. dd started.... (female content)

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Well what do I know. :tongue_smilie: I wasn't trying to sound accusatory, I was just meaning that maybe you'd want to get to the root of why she is lying to you about having started her period. Not in an invasive or punititive or negative way. But in an "I'm your mom and you should be able to tell me about your period' way.


That's all. :)


And if she doesn't want to, then what? :confused: Isn't it her choice?

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That's, uh, MOST unfortunate.


OP, my dsd started at that age. Poor girl was here at dad's house, but she was comfortable enough with me that she came out of the bathroom and whispered "I think I started my period' in my ear.


I knew it was inevitable, she had all the signs. But I tried not to make this face: :001_huh:.


I knew she was factually prepared, so I just took her quitely and made sure she knew where the supplies were, and told her if she ever needed anything, to just let me know.


I didn't do anything 'special' or commerative with her, as I figured her mother would want to do that, and I didn't want to step on toes.


I *did* get the pleasure of informing dh. I just told him later in private, assured him he need not say anything to her or even acknowledge in any way that he knew, I just thought he should know for information's sake. His reply? "Um, don't you need to take her to the doctor?! She's TOO YOUNG!" Poor dh. He was totally serious. I don't think he appreciated the laugh I was unable to stifle before telling him that wouldn't be necessary.

:lol: I could see my DH reacting that way! (Of course, he currently says DD will NOT grow any older. She's 2.5 :) )

Oh my! That is right up there with how the morning after I first got my period my father looked at me and said "My baby is now a woman." I remember turning tail and screaming up the stairs "Mom! You TOLD dad!"


I have instructed my dh that when the time comes he is to say absolutely nothing to dd.


OP, I suspect she will feel more apt to talk when you are home and alone together.


OMGOODNESS!!! The Horror!!!! :scared: For real, I did NOT want my grandpa to know anything of that nature!

OP, At least you have prepared her in advance and she knows what it is. When I started at 11, I had NO idea what was happening to me. My grandma gave me supplies and said it meant I could get pregnant now. :001_huh: I then woke up every morning for a few weeks wondering if I would randomly end up pregnant. I was naive, didn't realize at the time that OTHER things were required for pregnancy...:tongue_smilie: Needless to say, I want to be sure that doesn't happen to my DD! :)

:grouphug: to you and your DD

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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I was angry when I started at 11. My mother actually laughed. It was that 'oh how cute your a woman' type of thing. I was furious. I forbid her to tell my father. Of course I knew she did when he hugged me later and said something like 'it's hard being a girl, huh?" OOh I was mad. I had a horrible go of it from the very beginning, though. I think my mother thought I was just being dramatic about the pain I was in. But, I ended up having my first surgery for endometriosis when I was 17.


Op, I hope she opens up to you soon, but I would give her some space if that is what she is indicating that she wants. When your back to your own home and this 'round' is over, the timing might be better. :grouphug:

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Such a hard time, was it ever glorious for anyone?? My oldest started a month after she turned 11. So early, I must've been 13. I had briefed her on it, and frantically bought all kinds and varieties of products about 2 years earlier when I had a panic that it would happen and I wouldn't be prepared for her. So it happened, and she dealt with it by herself most of that day, (which would have been in school if I hadn't taken her out the year before) then came to me later that day and we had a great talk. Even tho we had discussed it before, she still felt better knowing it was normal. After that, I bought her the American girl book: taking care of you & she loved it, it answered many questions she had & reassured her that anxieties she felt were normal. I'm sorry you were out of town when it happened, she'll feel more comfortable at home to talk, but I'd never, never confront her & accuse her of lying...

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This brings back memories of my 2nd dd... she was 13 and had not started... and went for a summer to be a nanny for some family several hours away (my ex-husband's bosses family!). So, of course, she gets her 1st while she is there and the "mom" takes her and not only buys her a vase with flowers but insists on taking her picture next to the car holding her bag of "feminine products" and the vase of flowers... :001_huh::001_unsure::ohmy::scared::blush5:

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We have established what is going on (she has stated her period without a doubt) without her saying a word.


I just wanted to say, there is another possibility. Two weeks before a period, a woman has a lot of clear-ish discharge when she ovulates.


I remember when this started happening with me, I had no idea what was going on. It wasn't blood, so I knew it wasn't my period. But I didn't feel comfortable just letting it get on my panties, so I used TP to make my own homemade pads. I didn't feel comfortable talking about it with my mom, so I actually went for years using these "homemade pads" in between my periods until I got older and figured it all out.


So it could be that she is ovulating, and trying to keep the discharge off her panties, but she hasn't had her period yet, so that is why she is telling you she hasn't started yet.


Anyway, I hope you get it worked out with her. I helped my DD9 get her first "real" bras yesterday, and she was completely without shame in the dressing room as I helped her try on bras. When I was her age, I didn't want to admit that bras even existed. :grouphug:

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