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Calling all writers: What are your writing goals for 2012

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I finally finished my first draft of Blue Steel - Yeah. My personal december nanowrimo bootcamp paid off. Now I can move forward for 2012 and start editing.


I'm ready for another Year of Writing Deliberately. A Year of Writing Deliberately was born back in 2010 when I read about Jennifer's (book blogger) idea of the Year of Reading Deliberately, the thoughts started rolling about in my head about being deliberate with not only my reading, but also writing as well.

I discovered through Julia Cameron's The Artist Way the best way to go about things is to be there in the moment, stay positive and write goals: Daily, weekly, yearly. To help me with my writing goals this year, I am going to continue to be a part of A Round of Words in 80 Days, the brainchild of Kait Nolan.


So my goals for the year are:


1)WIP Blue Steel: Update novel Bible, research story points, complete characters sheets, edit, and polish, find beta readers and ready for querying.


2) Breakdown into measurable weekly goals.


3) Take an online Writing Course through Savvy Authors and/or Gotham Writers Workshops.


4) Join IRL or online Critique Group.


5) Write at least 2000 words a day which equals 4 handwritten pages front and back. I hand write all my stories, then type them up essentially completing a 2nd edit.


6) Develop 2012 Nano story - Green Ice (working title for now) and utilize K.M. Weiland's suggestions in Outlining Your Novel to prepare the story first.


7) DYI MFA - Read and study the following craft books.


So have you thought about your goals for the new year.

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I like your ideas so much that I'm going to use them. (*ahem* Assuming you don't mind of course!)


I've got a novel that I started when I was in high school and then lost a few years ago. I've got it outlined and a few sections written but it's a sad WIP. My goals are going to be to:


Write 1k words a day. Everyday!

Finish one book. (It's a saga that will end up being four books long.)

Read a least one writing book a month.

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I would like to finish the children's play I wrote five years ago amd submit it to my alma mater's writing contest. They produce.the winning play each fall while working with the writter to fine tune it for production. There is a cash prize and possibility of publishing after that. I have wanted to do this for years.

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I'm still solidifying my plans.


In January I'm reading the The Writer's Journey and editing a novel I started a few years ago. It will be the 3rd or 4th edit, and then I'll send it back to the beta reader and decide its fate.


I'll be working on my short stories as well.


2012 is going to be about deciding what to do with the various projects I have in the works.

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I like your ideas so much that I'm going to use them. (*ahem* Assuming you don't mind of course!)


I've got a novel that I started when I was in high school and then lost a few years ago. I've got it outlined and a few sections written but it's a sad WIP. My goals are going to be to:


Write 1k words a day. Everyday!

Finish one book. (It's a saga that will end up being four books long.)

Read a least one writing book a month.



Don't mind at all. :001_smile:



Great goals!

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