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Writing ??


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I have an 11 yo ds who has never done any writing program. We have followed CM somewhat and he has done some narrations over the years (but really didn't enjoy doing it.) I have been doing Wordsmithery with him which is just getting him going a bit on creative writing. He is using Intermediate Language Lessons for grammar. One of his big issue is just the technical aspect of putting pencil to paper. He struggles with it and his writing is neat only if he is very careful and slow. Due to this, I haven't asked much of him as far as writing goes. In the past, he did dictate a few stories and I wrote for him. This makes it harder for him to actually remember what he wanted to write, because he has to slow down enough for me to write it. We have also worked on keyboarding, but that is not strong enough to be used in place of writing.


This is becoming like a stream of consciousness, but I hope someone can follow my ramblings. Ds has announced that he wants to go to the public high school. It is kicking my butt in gear, because I would hate to send him without certain skills. Hence, it is time really started learning how to write.


I'm not sure what to use, where to begin, but these are some of the programs I am considering:


Bravewriter Arrow


Igniting Your Writing

Jump In

Imitation in Writing

Write Shop Junior or Primary

The Write Stuff Adventure


Can anyone help direct me? Any thoughts on any of these programs with the information about ds? Other ideas, opinions?


Thank you for any help.

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8FilltheHeart and regentrude have great advice on writing. Here are a few of the writing threads I subscribe to:





I'd recommend searching 8FilltheHeart's posts on writing and start her process right away. She has the child do copywork, builds up to paragraphs, and then assigns an essay/paper once a week. If you don't know what makes good writing, read Strunk & White. I believe regentrude has recommended the Lively Art of Writing, but I have not read it although I intend to. If he wants to go back to public school, you should introduce the different types once he increases his writing stamina. I recommend the WritersExpress Student Handbook and WriteSource 2000 for guidance.


Above all, he needs feedback. If you don't point out what's wrong with his writing, he won't improve. First, require all conventions be met (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar). Then, very gently, pick one thing great, one thing good, and one thing that needs improvement.


ETA: Found the thread! Go down to 8FilltheHeart's post #33. This is the most valuable writing thread I've found on this forum.


Edited by ErinE
correct name
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8FilltheHeart and regentrude have great advice on writing. Here are a few of the writing threads I subscribe to:





I'd recommend searching 8FilltheHeart's posts on writing and start her process right away. She has the child do copywork, builds up to paragraphs, and then assigns an essay/paper once a week. If you don't know what makes good writing, read Strunk & White. I believe regentrude has recommended the Lively Art of Writing, but I have not read it although I intend to. If he wants to go back to public school, you should introduce the different types once he increases his writing stamina. I recommend the WritersExpress Student Handbook and WriteSource 2000 for guidance.


Above all, he needs feedback. If you don't point out what's wrong with his writing, he won't improve. First, require all conventions be met (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar). Then, very gently, pick one thing great, one thing good, and one thing that needs improvement.


ETA: Found the thread! Go down to 8FilltheHeart's post #33. This is the most valuable writing thread I've found on this forum.



Thank you for posting that last link to the old thread. That was a very helpful post to read.

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Thank you for posting that last link to the old thread. That was a very helpful post to read.


I go back every few months and reread the post. So many people on this forum have such great wisdom to impart, I wish SWB would put together a WTM Forum Greatest Hits (not that she isn't busy with all her other writing projects).

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ErinE--thanks for those links. I spent hours reading and following links on those threads. I have lots to think about.


I also appreciate all the other opinions here. I'm not sure any of this has helped to clarify anything for me or just muddy the waters. I now have more ideas from the old threads and no consensus on the programs I listed. :)

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