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How do you avoid being a short order cook in the a.m.?

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I battle this short-order cook situation too. Cereal isn't an option in our family because it is too expensive and it isn't filling. My littles can't make their own breakfast. What I usually do is prepare big batches of what the kids like so can offer the leftovers over a few days. Baked oatmeal, scrambled eggs, muffins, egg bakes, pancakes, french toast, and crepes are our usual morning offerings.

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I just keep it simple. The options are: cereal w/milk, yogurt, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and/or toast. They have to choose at least one protein. They make it themselves. The only other option is a smoothie that I make for myself daily. They're welcome to ask for some of that instead. We're definitely an "eat what I make or go hungry" kind of house! :)

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We have a breakfast menu with lots of choices. The "rule" is protein/fruit/milk. (see below on eggs/protein)

Mondays - eggs/ protein or sausage/fruit/milk

Tuesdays - yogurt or smoothie, bagel with pnut butter or cream cheese, fruit/milk

Weds - pancakes / waffles / french toast made by mom w/ fruit/milk

Thurs (Co op Day) - cereal or bagels w/cream cheese or peanut butter

Fri - eggs/sausage/fruit/milk


"Eggs" really means any acceptable protein: i.e. tofu, yogurt, nuts, almonds, cottage cheese, etc.


Breakfast is my most organized meal. If I had the other meals this organized - I'd be superwoman!


Lisa J

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dd9 will end up eating nothing unless I have bagels in the house or if I decide to make pancakes.


ds6 I will usually make some eggs for or sometimes he'll eat cereal.


The older 2 like grape nuts.



...so long as you keep grape nuts, cereal and bagels in the house. I'd leave some fruit that they like on the table (grapes always disappear really fast around here) and otherwise let them make breakfast (within reason).



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