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my 6 year old is a better teacher than me


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Meredith is just NOT moving along with the reading. I didn't think I was showing my impatience at all, but more and more often lately when I get out the reading she gets all nervous and teary.


Today, Camille (same-age sister, who is reading) said "Mommy can I do reading with M today instead of you? You don't do it the fancy way." OK. Meredith is my girly-girl who loves all things fancy, so I was interested to see what C would do.


"Meredith - LOOK!! There are FANCY words on this page! If you read all the little words, I'll teach you to read the FANCY words too!!!" Immediately the two of them cuddled up on the sofa and began poring over the book, and somehow M managed to read all the words for C that she can't read to me. The child who still sounds out CVC words was reading "sparkle", "glitter", "shimmer", etc.


I'm feeling like quite the failure! How is it that my 6.5 year old can think of a way to motivate when I can't??? It was really sweet to see though - did my heart good!

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I'm feeling like quite the failure! How is it that my 6.5 year old can think of a way to motivate when I can't??? It was really sweet to see though - did my heart good!


Very cute. If my boys tried that I'd end up having to use the broom to separate them....:tongue_smilie:

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That's great!


Kids just don't have all that emotional baggage tied up in it. Camille is just not at all concerned that Meredith might never learn to read and be doomed to (add baggage here) ;)


My ds has the perfect length of pause before telling dd the word she is struggling with. Part of it, too, is they aren't in any particular hurry. They aren't trying to "accomplish" anything today, they just want to know where the story is going. Not every experience needs to be a "learning experience" etc., etc. I've marveled at this phenomenon before, too. Humbling.

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My eight-year-old was the only person in the house with any interest in going over place value with the then-five-year-old for as long as it took. The eight-year-old looooves math and has some issues with being physically slighter than and the same height as his little brother. It was for a little while the only time the two of them spent together doing anything that didn't threaten to require paramedics. I didn't understand how two boys who otherwise hate and fear each other could snuggle up and speak cheerfully about the same math rule for hours every week, but it was definitely wonderful.

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