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Weight Loss

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Over the last 5 years I have dropped 81 pounds. I think it comes out to dropping a pound a month.

I have been eating healthier; raw foods and cutting out most junk. Also being a little more active.

This is too slow for me. I want to be passionate about SOMETHING so it comes off a little faster.

I have about 50 to go until I am in the normal range. I just want it done. I eat healthy enough now that it will never go back on. I am only minimally active but I do have access to a nice, free gym - no pool though.

Any suggestions? I am even thinking of a liquid something like Advocare and maybe an hour a day on the recumbent bike at the gym ...

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First off, congrats on the weight loss. That's great. Losing it so slowly with lifestyle changes means you are probably never going to gain it back. I would suggest if you are already eating healthy, then you add exercise. I have been walking an hour on the treadmill a couple of times a week for the last several months and I have lost some weight and I feel a lot better.


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What a great job on the weight loss! That's wonderful! To increase your loss rate, you really need to add exercise. I think you'll be surprised at how much it helps. :) Look for something you actually enjoy. I hate aerobics, so I would never do a class like that. I've found that the best thing for me is running and walking. I have a friend that I meet 3x a week so I have accountability.

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I have heard of Adkins but do not know what it is - I will google it - thanks!


LG - I tried P90X for a few days but honestly, I am too big for that still. There was a time (in the 1980's lol!) when I loved Jazzercize, I sometimes went twice a day. I don't mind trying some classes, but they are $3 per class :glare: I hate the idea of paying so much. Maybe I should just pay it and try a few classes out.

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Honestly, although adding exercise won't hurt I wouldn't radically shake-up your diet at this point. I'd be way too worried about making a change I could NOT live with and screwing up the progress I'd made.


I'd focus more on finding a way to exercise that's enjoyable and livable because it sounds like you've made great progress on your diet. I wouldn't make more large dietary changes, although if there's a small one I'd go ahead.


Don't let the fast losers fool you. Most of them gain it back on again because the diets are not sustainable long-term.

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I have heard of Adkins but do not know what it is - I will google it - thanks!


LG - I tried P90X for a few days but honestly, I am too big for that still. There was a time (in the 1980's lol!) when I loved Jazzercize, I sometimes went twice a day. I don't mind trying some classes, but they are $3 per class :glare: I hate the idea of paying so much. Maybe I should just pay it and try a few classes out.


I have seen people 100lbs overweight use it but that wasn't where I was heading. I was just thinking for you to find an activity you like and get moving! Some people like Zumba, others spin classes, some have weight training classes. See what it is out there, what lights your fire. You might LOVE classes and that is what motivates you to exercise.


If you want to try again, do the Lean Version of P90X and just do what you can do even if means not doing bonus round or only one push up from the knees.

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I agree with trying to find something that you think is fun. If you are bored, you probably won't stick with it. I know this is silly, but what got me to regularly walk on the treadmill was when I realized my local community center has treadmills that each have their own TV and I can plug in headphones and watch and listen to whatever I want. I actually enjoy going and walking for an hour and watching whatever I want on TV with no interruptions. :001_smile:



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