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X-post: Board game question for those with teens/young adults

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Any experience with any of the following games? (for 2 adults, two young adults, one mid-teen)


Dominion (I think we'd have to have an expansion to play 5 peeps)

Ticket to Ride (maybe Europe, for the extra features?)

Pandemic (+ expansion -- On the Brink, not sure if needed for 5 players)


My preference would be for something that plays relatively quickly (30 minutes-1 hour), something that plays well with 4 people, but can be played with 5 (there are 5 of us when everyone is home), and isn't just about luck.


In strategy-type boardgames, we already have Catan (+ Cities and Knights, which we are going to figure out over break), Puerto Rico (not a fave, since you can't tell who is ahead until the points are actually counted), and Shadows over Camelot (we've really enjoyed the co-operative play element, but it plays better with 6-7 peeps).


We might also consider some other kind of game (non "euro-strategy", I think that's what they are calling the kind of game listed above). We have Quelf, Cranium, have done A to A to death in youth groups, and really enjoyed Things.


Thanks for your opinion/input. : )

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It depends on what you're looking for, but from what you've given me I'd say Dominion.


It's variable (game play depends on what cards you choose when you start) so it doesn't get boring. Lots of choices. Lots of ways to win.


It can be very interactive or not much at all. Most of the time its not confrontational. There are only a few cards (the witch card for instance) which can effect other players. If you like to mess with each other, this is not the right game (unless you buy an expansion which allows more player confrontation).


Pandemic is my favorite of those games, but the cooperative aspect can be co-opted by a strong personality. I don't think you need the expansion but it does add an interesting random element (bioterrorist) and more difficulty (an extra disease, more roles).


Ticket to Ride is a great game, but a bit simplistic for your age range. If you're looking for a very light game it works, but it doesn't have the variety that the others have.

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Thanks for the input on those three games. Wondering if you have suggestions for other games that I should consider? (I should have asked that questions as well in my OP.)


It depends on what you're looking for, but from what you've given me I'd say Dominion.


It's variable (game play depends on what cards you choose when you start) so it doesn't get boring. Lots of choices. Lots of ways to win.


It can be very interactive or not much at all. Most of the time its not confrontational. There are only a few cards (the witch card for instance) which can effect other players. If you like to mess with each other, this is not the right game (unless you buy an expansion which allows more player confrontation).


Pandemic is my favorite of those games, but the cooperative aspect can be co-opted by a strong personality. I don't think you need the expansion but it does add an interesting random element (bioterrorist) and more difficulty (an extra disease, more roles).


Ticket to Ride is a great game, but a bit simplistic for your age range. If you're looking for a very light game it works, but it doesn't have the variety that the others have.

On Ticket, have you played the Europe version of the game? It looked like it might have more depth, but I don't know enough about it to know. Thanks!
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I have to say that Pandemic is one of my favorite games. My adult siblings and I have played many games of Pandemic, and we all love it. It isn't easy to win so we keep wanting to play one more game to try to win. The original Pandemic is only for up to 4 players. I think the expansion allows you to play with 5, but I'm not sure about that.


I haven't played Dominion, and have only played the original Ticket to Ride with my kids (not with other adults). I do like Ticket to Ride, and I think it would be fun with older kids/adults too.



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On Ticket, have you played the Europe version of the game?


Yes, we've owned Europe for 4-5 years. I like it very much. Other than finding cities, I haven't noticed that its any more difficult then the US version (which we played Sunday night since DH found a copy at Goodwill). You do need to play with at least 4 people with the Europe version though, otherwise its too easy to get routes. There's no tension. There's a version called TtR Marklin which does Germany. It's a little more complex because it introduces 'riders.' The earlier you run your riders and the longer your route the more points you get. That adds an interesting tension and makes you plan things out a bit more.


For game advice, it really depends on what you like. We own a lot of games but they don't appeal to everyone.


Right now we're enjoying:


Ascending Empires~a combination of space exploration (flicking a disc from planet to planet), colonization, building science skills, and fighting. The boys love the flicking, but dh and I try to maneuver around each other for points, building the greater civilization.


Agricola~a farming game which goes through several seasons building pastures and fields, collecting animals, harvesting, etc. More fun then it sounds (unless you like the video game Harvest Moon then it is as fun as it sounds), lots of choices and its hard to balance everything. Also uses roles and turn order like Puerto Rico.


Stone Age~my favorite game, much like Agricola but less complex. You're a tribe in the Stone Age trying to build your civilization, find food, and build.


Space Alert~Cooperative, basically you're the crew of a space ship trying to survive attack. Everything happens in real time, a CD of the computer talking is played and you have to react to that and negotiate what each of you are going to do in that 10 minutes. You log your choices on a board in front of you. At the end you see what happened. Hilarious! Lots of tension. Lots of laughing. Progressively harder situations. Scales well with younger or older people.


Agricola and Space Alert can both accommodate 5 people. If you scroll down those links (Boardgamegeek) you'll see a heading for Videos. If you click some of those you might get a better idea of how the games play or what they look like. They also have links for Amazon, ebay, and other sellers.

Edited by LostSurprise
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If you like Things, you'd probably enjoy one of our favorite games which is ideal for four to six players. It's Wise and Otherwise.


From Amazon: "Voted a Best Party Game of the Year by Games magazine, Wise and Otherwise belongs next to Pictionary and Scrabble in your arsenal of fun. This creative, interactive game (read: everybody shouting, flailing, laughing) revolves around 500 cards, each emblazoned with five obscure and long-forgotten sayings from around the world. For example, one old Chinese saying is, "Don't add salt to a boatload of salt fish." One side of the card states, "Don't add salt to..." and it is the job of the players to devise probable endings. "Don't add salt to salty soup," for example. Or, "Don't add salt to the open wound." (The actual endings are listed on the flip sides of the cards.) A player wins points when other players vote for his or her special ending, or when the player guesses the actual ending, so the goal is to finish the proverb as convincingly as possible given the geographic region in question. Each elegant box contains one game board, 500 cards, six writing pads, six pencils, one die, and six player pawns. People who love language, oddly hilarious translations, offbeat proverbs, or just making people look foolish by guessing their very clever answers will adore this game. We predict: The one who plays this game ... will hear the laughter."




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I've never played Ticket to Ride with teens, but it's our go-to-game when we actually have other adults over. (I think Days of Wonder should be paying us a commission for all the people we've gotten to buy the game, and then in turn also buy the game for family members!) Maybe it's just our group, but I don't find it simplistic at all...we're pretty cut throat! Especially DH, but I digress...


Another fun game is Mystery of the Abbey. Think Clue, but more difficult, and very thematic. We really enjoy that one with a group, (again, all adults).


Days of Wonder in general has great games...all of the editions of Ticket to Ride, plus their other big adventure games. Love them all!

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