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At the end of my knotted rope.

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I'm wondering what to do with my wonderful DD. She is smart, loving, and pretty fun to be around IMO.




The wailing and gnashing of teeth around homeschooling has got to go. The thing that gets to me the most is that she feels so horrible about it. She drags her feet, stares off into space, and cries when I pressure her. Sitting there the whole time helps a bit, but at the age of eleven I feel like she shouldn't need me there the whole time.


We've changed the materials we used, tried Ritalin (she says she feels better internally but externally I don't see much change), and we've had a vacation from school for two weeks.


Public school is not an option. The kids around here are unrepentant bullies. So that leaves me with changing methodology with her. I could throw in the towel on a Classical education, try Charlotte Mason, go the Unschooling route or I can sign her up for a virtual K12 school.


Advice? Drink suggestions?

Edited by Elizabeth in MN
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I assume that since you've tried Ritilin that you had her tested by a neuropsychologist (or something similar). Did they give you any information or do you have ideas about learning styles?


What motivates her? What does she like to do? Is there some time, some method, some situation that was successful in the past that you could use a guide to make the situation better?

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I assume that since you've tried Ritilin that you had her tested by a neuropsychologist (or something similar). Did they give you any information or do you have ideas about learning styles?


What motivates her? What does she like to do? Is there some time, some method, some situation that was successful in the past that you could use a guide to make the situation better?


Our GP did the tests and gave her the meds, which is where our local mental health people directed me to. No on the information about learning styles. When asked how she likes to learn she responds with "museums".


*She* seems to be the only thing that motivates her. When she's interested in a subject she will research it on the Internet and read books from the library. Rewards don't motivate her, neither does removal of privileges. She likes planning things out with her dolls, and most of the time doing them. We've tried a variety of educational philosophies with her - Waldorf, WTM, LCC, Montessori and so on. None really seem to click deeply with her. She will read sometimes on her own, but it's rare she reads a book more than once. Today I asked her about it and she said "Well, I tried to sit down with a Harry Potter book once, but I was too busy staring at the squirrels running around on the trees". I"m not sure if that is an attention thing or a movement issue.

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I'm wondering what to do with my wonderful DD. She is smart, loving, and pretty fun to be around IMO.




The wailing and gnashing of teeth around homeschooling has got to go. The thing that gets to me the most is that she feels so horrible about it. She drags her feet, stares off into space, and cries when I pressure her. Sitting there the whole time helps a bit, but at the age of eleven I feel like she shouldn't need me there the whole time.


We've changed the materials we used, tried Ritalin (she says she feels better internally but externally I don't see much change), and we've had a vacation from school for two weeks.


Public school is not an option. The kids around here are unrepentant bullies. So that leaves me with changing methodology with her. I could throw in the towel on a Classical education, try Charlotte Mason, go the Unschooling route or I can sign her up for a virtual K12 school.


Advice? Drink suggestions?

Heads up..CM is classical with rigor when done correctly.


Drink: is you must....vodka and cranberry is nice....


Methodology....you may want to try work/text books for a while.....or something like Sonlight......k12 might be nice....hmmmmmm....


Whatever you choose to do...:grouphug:....we really have no school choice here either....it's either the public school that stinks, or the one private in the area which is over 10 grand a year. Not gonna happen.



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I have an 11yo girl. She is phenomenal. Just tonight I took her to church to help me serve drinks and cookies at the church preschool Christmas program. Everyone complimented her on her hard work, clothes, and cheerful attitude.


She is soooooooo not like that at home:glare:.


I have no suggestions. I just wanted to say I KNOW. I too am considering a drastically different approach to schooling, though public school is not an option.


Drinks? I like Pinot Noir, Malbec, and Captain Morgan and Coke;).


I'm praying that we will get along some time in the next 3 years.

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Right now I am thinking of changing up the whole nine yards. Maybe Life of Fred for math, parring down the library so it's just basic classics, I'll have to stick with Word Smith because it's the best I have found for my DD, nature walk for science, stick with SOTW and Red Herrings since she likes them, not sure what else.


Then there is Ambleside Online which I could switch to but she'll have issues with it not being secular (she's mad at God right now, long story).

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