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How many times a week for each subject?

Guest lucky777

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Guest lucky777

Do you do each subject everyday, some everyday with some 2 or 3 times a week, block schedule, etc...? If you don't give each subjects equal amounts of time (which I imagine most people don't - math seems like it would be done more than something like health or computer) how any days a week do you spend on each subject?

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For my 5 year old in Kindergarten we do



Phonics & writing 15 min

Reading 15 min

Math 20-30 min

Spelling 15 min



Phonics & writing 15

Reading 15

Math 20-30 min

Latin 10 min



Phonics & writing 15

Reading 15

Math 20-30

Spelling 15



Phonics & writing 15 min

Reading 15

Math 20-30

Latin 10 min



Phonics & writing 15 min

Reading 15min

Math Fun Play Day 20-30 min

Spelling 15 min

Logic 10 min

Art activities (varying times)



Alternate between history and science for varying lengths of time depending on activity



Reading lessons are out of OPGTR but we do lots of read alouds throughout the day that correspond to certain subjects. Most likely science or history.

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We do block scheduling, and it looks like this right now. The only subjects we cover every day are reading, some form of math, and penmanship. Eventually penmanship will be dropped, but for now it's a high priority for me. We do writing and language three times a week, but double up on lessons frequently. Science is only scheduled once a week, but we're a very scientifically-minded family so informal science happens every day. Likewise, the Spanish class only happens once a week, but we practice informally throughout the day. We don't time our lessons, but we spend about 1.5-3.5 hours per day, depending on how focused people are.

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My 7 year old is in 2nd grade. Here's his breakdown:


Math: 5x/week

Literature: 5x/week

Grammar: 3x/week

Writing: 3x/week (we do Day 1 and Day 2 of WWE in one day, since it's normally a 4 day program)

Spelling: 4x/week

History: 3x/week

Science: 2x/week


I front load our week, so most of the work is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are much lighter days (and Thursday is library/grocery day).


To decide how many days/week you need to do each subject, you may need to look at the particular curriculum you're using. Some grammar programs, for example, are set up to be 5 days a week, some 4 days a week, and some 3 days a week. Some programs leave the scheduling up to you a bit more (of course, you're always in control, but if there are 180 discreet lessons, it's harder to just do 2-3 days per week :tongue_smilie:).

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We do it all, but science and math are not high on the priority list. I concentrate on English and math. IF the house is a wreck, then we all work on those basics and clean house. If everything is in order, then we do our other subjects, plus the basics. I usually have some independent work that the kids do by themselves, so this year I actually have a workbook science 2 of them are using...so science is being completed more often. I'm reading the history, so it's hit or miss.



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The only things we don't do every day are

logic - 2x weekly

handwriting - 2-3x weekly (alternates every other week)

art and music - 1x weekly each

WWE - 4x weekly



Everything else is daily. I don't set aside times for subjects, we just work on it until we've done what we had planned for the day.

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We do Mon-Thurs:


4th grader:

spelling (workbook and test on Thurs.)

writing (pen pal letters, assignments from her English book or SOTW, or dictation or literature narrations or penmanship papers or copywork)

math review, new lesson, independent work and speed drills

English lesson and independent work

reading on her own, reading to me or sis, and reading from me to her

piano practice


2nd grader:

spelling (workbook and test on Thurs.)

phonics lesson and workbook


math review, lesson, and independent work

reading to me, from me, and silent

piano practice


Not daily:

Dictation at least once a week. More when we are focusing on it.

Art on Monday afternoons

Latin on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings

Music on Tues. mornings

History/Geography lesson on Tues and Thurs. afternoons: SOTW section, narration and or outline, mapwork, and timeline and discussion

Science on Wednesdays afternoons: experiment, notebook pages, definitions, discussion, further reading


One day a week is out of the house learning. Some of the above topics are taught or enriched at that time as well as others not listed.


We do schedule our time down to the minute/half hour but are flexible as needed.

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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This is how it looks for my 5th and 3rd graders:


-Literature: Daily

-Memory Work: Daily

-Spelling: M-Th

-Grammar: M-W; sometimes we'll do the grammar activity from Oak Meadow on Th.

-Math: Daily

-Latin: Daily

-Copywork/Dictation: Daily

-Writing: 2-3x a week (direct writing instruction from IEW or WWS or Oak Meadow and application)

-History: M-T (Oak Meadow; I also try to read from our current SOTW 2-3x a week just for fun)

-Science: W-Th

-Fine Arts: F (though we also try to throw in a drawing lesson 1-2x a week)

-Reading: Daily (their own; they each have a chapter book they work through plus ds#2 is working on Master Reader from HOP)


The goal is to only have memory work, literature, math, Latin (review), and their studied dictation passage on Friday morning, and fine arts in the afternoon. Sometimes it actually works out and sometimes it doesn't.


My K tends to do ETC, AAS, AAR, and math 3-4x a week, and then joins us for other fun things.

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Our plan is:


Read aloud - every day, bedtime and another time during the day

Math 5x/wk

Writing 5x/wk

Latin 4x/wk

Grammar 4x/wk

Spelling 2x/wk

Logic 2x/wk

History 2x/wk - extended blocks in afternoon

Science 2x/wk - extended blocks in afternoon


But the truth is, the only thing this plan *really* happens with, every week, is Math (oh, and read alouds). We miss other subjects for field trips, field work (me), or lots of other reasons. I don't sweat that too much. The way we make Math happen every day is that on days we can work together, we do MM, LOF, Math games, etc. On days I can't work with dd, she does TT on the computer on her own.

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We do skills (math, reading, handwriting) + Bible daily.


We also do memory work review daily (mostly in the car) - it rotates through, so we cover everything in the same order, but not all in the same day - we just pick up where we left off and keep going.


We rotate through the content/other subjects. Some days we don't get to any, and some days we get through several. I have a running list of "other" subjects, and we just pick up where we left off. When we finish the list, we start back over.

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