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Ipad vs Ipod touch apps?

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I know there are some apps ONLY for the ipad but how many "good" educational ones work for the Ipod touch?


Right now we are debating the ipad vs the ipod touch because I want access to the apple apps. Ipod touch is more in the budget but I don't wanna regret it and wish I had gotten the Ipad.


Also, anybody have a child/children that were bothered by the size of the screen on the ipod? I know people use them all the time and the iphone for apps but I as just wondering...




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The iPod Touch came first, so there are possibly more educational apps for the Touch.


Also, many of the educational apps work on both.


The apps that work only on the Touch will work on the iPad, they will just be "smaller" and not take up the full iPad screen. The apps for iPad only will not work on the iPod Touch. (at least, that is my experience and understanding).

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I am addicted to my Apples! I have an IPhone and an Ipad2. As far as screen size, kids don't mind it as much as I do. I like the larger screen cause I have trouble with the little one sometimes. Plus, my fingers are bigger, so.....

There are apps that can be used for the iPod but not iPad because of screen resolution. So, my suggestion would be to figure out exactly what apps you want and then choose between the two.

Do you have a local Apple store where you can go and look at what's available for the iPod?

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I'm debating an iPad. I wish they cost less. I have the iTouch and love it, but I'd like to have something that could let us do more of our actual "School" on a device. If I could use those scholastic $1 PDFs without having to print them all out, for example, and DD could just do them on screen....

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I'm debating an iPad. I wish they cost less. I have the iTouch and love it, but I'd like to have something that could let us do more of our actual "School" on a device. If I could use those scholastic $1 PDFs without having to print them all out, for example, and DD could just do them on screen....


We have an ipad 2 that I share with dd. I decided I prefer for her to have her own device and considered the touch instead of the iPad for a short time. The desire to do schoolwork on the device is what made the decision for me. The iPad is almost as big as a regular sheet of paper so dd does her worksheets on the iPad easily. The touch is so small that it just wouldn't work for writing on pdf's. We have been doing math on the device for several weeks and I'm slowly working towards doing more and more electronically.

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