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need iPad whiteboard app through FaceTime

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I'm looking for some type of WhiteBoard app that I can use at the same time as I FaceTime on my iPad2.


A couple of friends and I will frequently FaceTime each other to help out the other's kids with math or other subjects but realize if we had a whiteboard application it would really be the icing on the cake. Is anyone familiar with something that would provide this function for us? Reg?????

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I'm looking for some type of WhiteBoard app that I can use at the same time as I FaceTime on my iPad2.


A couple of friends and I will frequently FaceTime each other to help out the other's kids with math or other subjects but realize if we had a whiteboard application it would really be the icing on the cake. Is anyone familiar with something that would provide this function for us? Reg?????

That sounds like a neat idea! I'm sorry, but we don't do FaceTime around here due to our crappy internet service (satellite).


Do you think it would work to talk on a telephone and then use the iPad for the whiteboard? If so, here are a couple of apps that I see:


- Whiteboard HD

- Whiteboard Pro: Collaborative Drawing


I can't recommend anything, as I have not tried these. You might also want to look at the 'Customers Also Bought" sections at the bottoms of those pages. It appears there are quite a few apps like this. Perhaps one of them will work for you.


Good luck! Please tell us what you get and how it works out!


ETA: Here are a couple of articles on the subject:


- 5 Essential Business Collaboration Apps for iPad

- 5 Free Collaborative Whiteboard Apps for iPad


Perhaps there is something there or it will spark an idea.


The picture in the first article for Evernote made me think you could just use FaceTime and draw on a piece of paper. Then you could use the backside camera to point at the camera to share. But that will not allow you to capture the information automatically...

Edited by RegGuheert
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I've been putting off looking for an app like this. My son does math better on a white board than on paper. I had been scribing for him, but yesterday I took pictures of the whiteboard w/my iPhone & then printed them for his teacher. This looks like it might save me a step. Now I have something new to learn - how to save the file and then get it to my computer to print it. I love the technology, but sometimes it's hard for me to figure out how to do what I want it to do. Lots of Google work!

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I've been putting off looking for an app like this. My son does math better on a white board than on paper. I had been scribing for him, but yesterday I took pictures of the whiteboard w/my iPhone & then printed them for his teacher. This looks like it might save me a step. Now I have something new to learn - how to save the file and then get it to my computer to print it. I love the technology, but sometimes it's hard for me to figure out how to do what I want it to do. Lots of Google work!


You don't even need google. Just download the free Dropbox app from the app store and then follow the directions for getting software on your computer and setting up the account. A lot of apps have free Dropbox integration so you can just export the file to Dropbox from the iPad. You can also save files on your computer in the Dropbox folder which makes them accessible on the iPad when you have a wifi connection.

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Another potential collaboration app. I don't know if it will work with FaceTime.


I also think both "go to meeting" and "fuze" allow you to have webinars and share your screen which would allow you to use doodle buddy or any whiteboard app and accomplish the same thing without FaceTime.

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I think I figured it out....


First you can run FaceTime and then just 'minimize' FT and you can still hear each other without a problem.


Next, we tried a program called Jot! Free which worked great. We both needed to sign up /register with Jot and then one of us 'hosted' the session so that we could both write on the whiteboard at the same time. If only one person is going to write on the board, the other is going to just watch, only one person has to sign in, the other person just joins the hosted session without signing in (hope that makes sense)..


The only downside to Jot! is that you are only allowed 5 free sessions per month per host user (so she and I could have 10 if we split who started the session each time).


I will definately be looiking around to see if there are other programs which do not have limits. Reg, the programs you mentioned only worked within a WiFi network, so within your own home, but the fact you can minimize FaceTime and it continue to 'run' in the background obviously makes all the difference.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Steve_smith

Hi Everybody,


Really i found this is good question for discuss :)


You can use Whiteboard mojo for ipad. My friend linda provided me some promo codes also for this whiteboard app (pro version )










you can found this app on itune using whiteboard mojo name



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