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WWE1, I don't want to rush it, but....

Miss Tick

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It feels like WWE1 is not progressing quickly enough for us. I like the slow, incremental approach, but I'm thinking we need to move on to WWE2. Neither dc have trouble answering the questions or coming up with one thing that they remember. In fact, ds plays the system by coming up with long, rambling things on the day it isn't for copywork, and concise statements when he knows he will have to copy it. :glare:


I want to move to WWE2 mainly to start with summarizing and picking out the important elements. I'm not sure how dictation will go. For those of you who are farther along than I am, what do you think??


We have done 16 weeks of WWE1. I'm working from the text, so I don't have two half-finished workbooks to nag at me. It also means that if we needed to slow down I can just insert "extra" weeks.

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How are they doing with the copywork? The copywork in the WWE2 workbook is quite a step up, and then you add dictation, too. But, you're not using the workbook, so maybe that doesn't matter so much... What about skipping ahead in WWE1, or doing every other week, or something? I also always combined a non-writing day with a writing day (so day 1&2 together, then day 3, then day 4). If you did this 5 days per week, you would get through WWE1 more quickly.

Good luck figuring out what will work best for your kids.


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We just started WWE1, half-way through the year. We are doing it double-paced because of that and it's working well. So, we're doing days 1&2 on Monday, days 3&4 on Tuesday, the next week's day 1&2 on Wednesday, and 3&4 on Thursday. I'd probably do the same if I were you and if you run into difficulties with the faster pace, slow down. I'd want to make it through all of WWE1 before starting WWE2.

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I guess that's my question really, is there a reason to speed up WWE1? We just finished FLL1, so they already get that names start with capitals and abbreviations have periods, they know the seasons... So skipping weeks would look like no change (as far as I can see) and doing two weeks in one would just mean two times the same thing. So wouldn't that be finishing WWE1 just for the sake of finishing it? Or do you think there is truly something to be gained by staying the course (speeded up)?

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Can they do the week 36 evaluation? If so, move on to level 2. If not, keep going in level 1 a bit longer.


I felt like you did last May. My son got a little messed up on the week 36 questions, so I double timed the narrations in the rest of the workbook and skipped the copywork days (still had him copy one sentence of his narration on day 4 though). After 6 weeks of that, he was able to easily pass the week 36 evaluation. Level 2 has gone really well so far. We're on week 12.


Oh, and for the short sentences on copy day, I told my son that if he gave me short sentences on purpose, I would have him copy 2-3 sentences instead of 1. That nipped that problem in the bud pretty quick. He has tried to count words on his fingers while giving a narration.

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Partway through (I think around week 8), I decided to give my son the year-end test because I was pretty sure he was ready for it, and he did it perfectly so we moved on to WWE2. We also started using the workbooks with WWE2 (just the instructor pages, though; the lines are enormous on the student pages), and we don't do every lesson. I look at the focus and content of each one, and if my son's already got whatever it is down cold, we move on. That's not happening terribly often, though; WWE2 is a good fit for him right now.

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I never did WWE1, I started with 2. I don't think we are doing WWE3 next year, but rather apply the principal to history instead. Right now we do nothing for history except read because he is writing more in WWE2. Since next year I am using MCT, I want to spend the rest of the year on narration, dictation, and copy work to improve his writing before we move on to more original writing. I do 2 lessons per week and that is just right. I only do grammar 3x per week and FLL3 lessons are so quick it's not much more writing. Dictation is still a struggle for us, but that is because writing is still so slow for him that he cannot get much down on paper fast enough.

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FWIW, I do think that the guidelines in the text are significantly easier than the questions in the workbooks themselves, so I would give the workbook evaluation before moving on. In fact, we are finding the workbook too hard, and I may move back to the text suggestions.


I would agree with this. I bought the text at first and read through it. I then decided that I preferred having the work done for me and got the workbook. It does seem much more challenging than what is laid out in the text.

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